[R] R problem on Solaris
P.S.Craig at durham.ac.uk
Tue Jan 26 11:02:31 CET 1999
I have just noticed that the last several versions of R that I have
compiled all have the problem that functions which use regular
expressions (gsub, sub and anything which depends on them) do not
work. In particular,
either gives an error message or causes a segmentation fault.
The problem is actually in gsub/sub which either return character(0)
or cause a segmentation fault.
I have the problem in one form or another in 0.61.3, 0.62.4 and 0.63.2
but not in 0.61.1 (you may well wonder why we have so many versions
simultaneously available!)
Has anyone else seen this problem on Solaris? For what it's worth my
build is on Solaris 2.4 using gcc and Sun's f77 with readline enabled
and X11R6. I am fairly sure that I also had the same problem with a
build of 0.62.4 on Solaris 2.5.1.
Peter Craig
| E-mail: P.S.Craig at durham.ac.uk Telephone: +44-91-3742376 (Work) |
| Fax: +44-91-3747388 +44-91-3860448 (Home) |
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| WWW: http://fourier.dur.ac.uk:8000/stats/people/psc/psc.html |
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| Snail: Peter Craig, Dept. of Math. Sciences, Univ. of Durham, |
| South Road, Durham DH1 3LE, England |
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