[R] RH5.2 bundle

John Logsdon j.logsdon at lancaster.ac.uk
Tue Jan 12 09:55:36 CET 1999

Hello and Happy New R

Two points:

1 Noting the existence of 0.63.2 as a tgz file on CRAN, but being careful
or lazy depending on how you want to see it, I also note that the binaries
for Redhat stop at 0.63.1 on RH 5.1. 

I recently got the RH 5.2 Power Tools where I was pleased to see R 0.62.4
included, lots of libraries including V&R.  This had been compiled into an
rpm - does anyone know by whom and could the same (or other) good soul
both link the RH 5.2 version into CRAN and repeat the exercise for 0.63.2
on RH5.2.  

Compilation for the not-so-expert is always messy - you know you find you
haven't got the right make, the compiler is wrong, one of the libraries is
in the wrong place for package A but not for package B etc etc.  I am
talking about Linux of course!  Guido does such a good job for M$. 

2 Critical mass seems to be approaching/have reached the R product.  Is
now not the time to consolidate (rather than extend) R and produce a
comprehensive real book for sale in the bookshops and to decorate our

The web is a very useful device - we can live for ages on the
laser-printouts but even with a binder, these are not as convenient as a
real book with examples.  I have in mind the excellent manual for GLIM
(although rather big) which comes with the (commercial) product but is
much more than a user manual. Robert and Ross's R Notes, Kurt's FAQ and
others could form a basis.  The V&R notes, V&S on S(R) could be added and
some extensive examples such as from Jim Lindsey's repeated measures
library. I know code modification is seductive but there comes a time in
any job where the Report just has to be written!

The advantage of this is (a) it is *much* more convenient for the user,
(b) it gets some money into the R community, especially if it was sold
directly over the web, which could help finance the next version (c)  it
is a serious publication that will get cited with an ISBN number and (d)
it will encourage the managers of the institutions where all you good
people work to realise that you are not wasting your time but providing a
serious and viable product. 

Think about it 


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