[R] graphics
Bill Simpson
wsi at gcal.ac.uk
Thu Dec 2 12:03:09 CET 1999
On Thu, 2 Dec 1999, Prof Brian D Ripley wrote:
> On Thu, 2 Dec 1999, Bill Simpson wrote:
> > they have to be quite large. Take a look at V&R, pp16-17 for plots whose
> > axis labels are smaller than surrounding main text.
> There are no plots on those pages! Presumably you have an old edition.
2nd edition, figs 1.6 and 1.7
> It is quite common in journals to have minor labels smaller than the main
> text: after all the footnotes and index are smaller than the main text in
> our book. Those plots have been checked and approved (three times) by
> professional copy editors.
I know it amounts to taste. My taste is: figure labels should be larger
than surrounding text.
> What you get with dev.print is entirely up to you: it depends on how you
> set pointsize and in particular if you like looking at plots with your head
> turned through 90^o.
I tried setting pointsize in the past without success. Maybe it works now
and I should try again. In the past the only solution was cex=2
> (I get very frustrated with students who produce
> landscape plots that way: the default pointsize is relative to a much
> smaller plot if it is portrait not the default (for some reason that has
> always escaped me) landscape.)
I agree that portrait should be the default. I always set
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