[R] Installing R on Slackware Linux
Murray Jorgensen
maj at waikato.ac.nz
Thu Dec 2 01:39:10 CET 1999
I'd like to thank Markus Jantti, John Maindonald, Peter Malewski, Mathew
Wiener and Jonathan Yuen for their help. As most pointed out, the .INSTALL
file is quite good. Just the same, for a linux novice like me it did help
to have much the same thing said in several different ways.
I still don't know what to do with the old 0.65.1 directory tree. [ It was
a minor triumph of mine when I figured out how to use the "find" command
properly and by searching for config.status, which one of the replies let
me know was a file in the tree, actually succeeded in finding the R0.65.1
directory tree.]
Now what do I do?
* Delete the old directory tree before installing the new version?
(and risk ending up with no R at all)
* Leave the old directory tree and install the new version?
(and possibly still get the old version when I type "R")
Or maybe uninstalling is more complicated than deleting the tree - it
certainly is in Windows!
I truly do hope that there are lurking newbies out there that make my
asking such basic questions worthwhile!
Murray Jorgensen, Department of Statistics, U of Waikato, Hamilton, NZ
-----[+64-7-838-4773]---------------------------[maj at waikato.ac.nz]-----
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