[R] Funny warning message
Friedrich Leisch
Friedrich.Leisch at ci.tuwien.ac.at
Tue Apr 6 16:18:51 CEST 1999
>>>>> On Tue, 6 Apr 1999 14:36:08 +0100 (BST),
>>>>> John Logsdon (JL) wrote:
JL> Hi
JL> Sometimes (and I haven't yet found out what causes it) I get a message:
JL> Warning: ingnored non-function "t"
JL> I think it may be either when I have done a Ctl-C to break in or I may
JL> have inadvertently named a variable after one of the many system or other
JL> functions. I have seen names other than "t".
Yes, t is indeed a system function, namely the one to get the
transpose of a matrix. The above warning says that you use symbol t
where a variable is needed, hence the function is ignored and the
variable used. But in general it is safer to avoid name conflicts like
An easy way to check things like that (after seeing the warning) is to
start a new R process (without restoring an old namespace) and simply
type (in yor case) `t ENTER':
R> t
function (x)
which gives you the definition of object t (a function).
Another obvious way is checking if there's any help for the name
Hope this helps,
PS: Other one letter functions include c() and q()
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