[R] Re: ESS & R data import problems

A.J. Rossini rossini at biostat.washington.edu
Thu Nov 19 23:37:31 CET 1998

Robert Denham <r.denham at fsc.qut.edu.au> writes:

> I have a similar question, I know about --vsize, but I use R under Emacs
> using ESS.  I know there is an easy way to call R from ESS with command
> line options but I don't remember how.  I can't find help on this in ESS
> documentation or in R documentation.
> Could someone please remind me how this is done.

with ESS, I thought I'd programmed in an interface for this:

Something like,
	C-u M-x R 
would prompt for command line options.

Martin, am I dreaming?  (seems to happen often, sigh...).


A.J. Rossini			
UW Biostatistics & Center for AIDS Research 	
206-543-1044 / 206-720-4282			
rossini at biostat.washington.edu			
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