R-beta: ctest_0_9-3_tar.tar
Douglas Bates
bates at stat.wisc.edu
Thu Mar 12 20:40:48 CET 1998
"Jay King" <jking at metisrv0.man-env.com> writes:
> I'm having trouble un 'tar'ing the file ctest_0_9-3_tar.tar.
> When using the command "tar -xv" on a UNIX machine I get the
> "checksum error" message. When trying to use WinZip on a Win95
> machine it gives an error reading the header.
> I'm downloading from the CRAN site at Carnegie Mellon. Could the file
> there be corrupted?
The version on
looks like
-r--r--r-- 1 bates bates 10424 Feb 23 13:42 ctest_0.9-3.tar.gz
and apparently expands correctly.
bash-2.01$ tar ztvf ctest_0.9-3.tar.gz
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drwxr-xr-x hornik/users 0 1997-09-23 08:49 ctest/man/
-rw-r--r-- hornik/users 1498 1997-09-28 05:48 ctest/man/bartlett.test.Rd
-rw-r--r-- hornik/users 1162 1997-09-23 08:48 ctest/man/binom.test.Rd
-rw-r--r-- hornik/users 2134 1997-09-23 08:48 ctest/man/cor.test.Rd
-rw-r--r-- hornik/users 1437 1997-09-23 08:49 ctest/man/fisher.test.Rd
-rw-r--r-- hornik/users 1710 1997-09-23 08:49 ctest/man/friedman.test.Rd
-rw-r--r-- hornik/users 1540 1997-09-23 08:49 ctest/man/kruskal.test.Rd
-rw-r--r-- hornik/users 1635 1997-09-23 08:49 ctest/man/ks.test.Rd
-rw-r--r-- hornik/users 1647 1997-09-23 08:49 ctest/man/mantelhaen.test.Rd
-rw-r--r-- hornik/users 1619 1997-09-23 08:50 ctest/man/mcnemar.test.Rd
-rw-r--r-- hornik/users 1513 1997-09-23 08:50 ctest/man/var.test.Rd
-rw-r--r-- hornik/users 2148 1997-09-23 08:50 ctest/man/wilcox.test.Rd
-rw-r--r-- hornik/users 23 1997-02-19 12:23 ctest/TITLE
-rw-r--r-- hornik/users 537 1997-09-18 04:28 ctest/INDEX
-rw-r--r-- hornik/users 1115 1998-02-22 03:27 ctest/README
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-rw-r--r-- hornik/users 2146 1997-08-21 05:53 ctest/R/cor.test.R
-rw-r--r-- hornik/users 1724 1997-02-19 12:22 ctest/R/ks.test.R
-rw-r--r-- hornik/users 1700 1997-02-19 12:22 ctest/R/mantelhaen.test.R
-rw-r--r-- hornik/users 435 1997-02-19 12:22 ctest/R/pks.R
-rw-r--r-- hornik/users 1924 1997-02-19 12:22 ctest/R/var.test.R
-rw-r--r-- hornik/users 1343 1998-02-18 15:15 ctest/R/friedman.test.R
-rw-r--r-- hornik/users 1316 1997-02-19 13:01 ctest/R/kruskal.test.R
-rw-r--r-- hornik/users 1422 1997-02-19 12:22 ctest/R/mcnemar.test.R
-rw-r--r-- hornik/users 2479 1997-08-21 02:53 ctest/R/wilcox.test.R
-rw-r--r-- hornik/users 1482 1997-08-21 05:49 ctest/R/binom.test.R
-rw-r--r-- hornik/users 1247 1997-02-19 13:01 ctest/R/bartlett.test.R
-rw-r--r-- hornik/users 1660 1997-08-21 05:54 ctest/R/fisher.test.R
-rw-r--r-- hornik/users 961 1997-08-21 05:56 ctest/R/mood.test.R
-rw-r--r-- hornik/users 238 1998-02-22 03:28 ctest/DESCRIPTION
-rw-r--r-- hornik/users 499 1998-02-22 03:28 ctest/ChangeLog
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