R-beta: Printing documentation for R and all packages installed

ernst.molitor@uni-bonn.de ernst.molitor at uni-bonn.de
Mon Jul 6 09:03:30 CEST 1998

Dear R gurus and users,

in order to provide the local users of R with a printed copy of the
ample documentation provided with R and the optional packages
installed, I have introduced a minor change to the

Using GNU find, GNU sed, and features of GNU make, the LaTeX
documentation found in the subdiretories of .../R/library/ is copied
to .../R/doc/manual, and appropriate \include{...} commands are added
to .../R/doc/manual/Man.tex. The resulting manual includes the
documentation available for any packages installed at the local site
in addition to that of the basic R distribution.

Maybe this change could be useful for other users; I'm including a
context diff (against the R/doc/manual/Makefile included with R-0.62.2
in-progress release of 3rd July, 1998) below.

Best regards,


ernst.molitor at uni-bonn.de
Institute for Medical Microbiology and Immunology, Bonn

context diff against R/doc/manual/Makefile:

*** Makefile	1998/07/05 16:14:11	1.1
--- Makefile	1998/07/06 06:40:22
*** 10,23 ****
  RsrcLIB = $(rRHOME)/src/library
  BUILDlatex = $(RETC)/Rdconv --type latex
! Packages = pkg-base.tex pkg-eda.tex pkg-mva.tex pkg-stepfun.tex
  #- Man.tex  also must have an  \input{..} for each of these ^^^^
  Manparts = Man-1.ps Man-2.ps Man-3.ps Man-4.ps\
  	   Man-5.ps Man-6.ps Man-7.ps Man-8.ps
  Manbooks = $(Manparts:.ps=.bps)
! all: Man.dvi
  $(RLIB)/base/latex/%.tex: $(RsrcLIB)/base/man/%.Rd
  	$(BUILDlatex) $< > $@
--- 10,48 ----
  RsrcLIB = $(rRHOME)/src/library
  BUILDlatex = $(RETC)/Rdconv --type latex
! additional_packages := $(shell find ../../library/* -type d -prune -exec basename {} \; )
! additional_packages := $(filter-out base,$(additional_packages))
! additional_packages := $(filter-out eda,$(additional_packages))
! additional_packages := $(filter-out mva,$(additional_packages))
! additional_packages := $(filter-out stepfun,$(additional_packages))
! additional_packages := $(filter-out R,$(additional_packages))
! additional_packages := $(filter-out R-libs,$(additional_packages))
! additional_packages := $(filter-out man,$(additional_packages))
! additional_packages := $(filter-out Examples,$(additional_packages))
! additional_packages := $(filter-out src,$(additional_packages))
! additional_packages := $(filter-out src-c,$(additional_packages))
! additional_packages_fullname := $(foreach p, $(additional_packages), pkg-$p.tex)
! Packages = pkg-base.tex pkg-eda.tex pkg-mva.tex pkg-stepfun.tex $(additional_packages_fullname)
  #- Man.tex  also must have an  \input{..} for each of these ^^^^
  Manparts = Man-1.ps Man-2.ps Man-3.ps Man-4.ps\
  	   Man-5.ps Man-6.ps Man-7.ps Man-8.ps
  Manbooks = $(Manparts:.ps=.bps)
! all: pkg Man.dvi
! package_list := $(foreach p,$(additional_packages_fullname), \\\\input{$(patsubst %.tex,%,$(p))})
! pkg: #$(additional_packages_fullname)
! #	@echo $(additional_packages)
! 	$(foreach p,$(additional_packages), echo Collecting components of $p; sed 's/__PKG__/$p/g' Pkg-start.tex | cat - $(RLIB)/$p/latex/*.tex Pkg-end.tex >pkg-$p.tex ; )
! 	echo $(additional_packages_fullname)
! 	echo $(package_list)	
! 	sed -e "s/stepfun}.*/stepfun} $(package_list)/" Man.tex >Man2.tex
! 	mv Man2.tex Man.tex
  $(RLIB)/base/latex/%.tex: $(RsrcLIB)/base/man/%.Rd
  	$(BUILDlatex) $< > $@

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