R-beta: kill R Graphics window->crash R
Ross Ihaka
ihaka at stat.auckland.ac.nz
Mon Jan 19 01:56:04 CET 1998
Peter Dalgaard writes:
> Bill Simpson <wsimpson at uwinnipeg.ca> writes:
> >
> > I am running R-0.61.1 on linux under X. If I kill the R Graphics window
> > (click on X box in upper right corner), then subsequently do x11(),
> > R crashes.
> ...
> > I was wondering if maybe it could be arranged that closing the graphics
> > window via click would seem to R to be equivalent to typing dev.off().
> I wouldn't think so, but the X calls should probably be fixed to do
> the necessary cleaning up when the window has disappeared. Dying of a
> SIGPIPE is certainly not elegant...
> However, there's some extensive graphics changes coming up in 0.62, so
> it's hardly worth it to try and fix it in the 0.61 series. Till then:
> Just don't do that!....
We just found the magic X incantation to handle the window closing
problem. Closing a graphics window using the window manager (e.g. by
clicking the close box or with a menu selection) will be equivalent to
using dev.off() on the underlying device.
As Peter says, there will be some major changes in 0.62 which will see
a big improvement in the graphics system.
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