Makefiles, was Re: R-beta:0.61.1 Problem with "make docs"

Hubert Palme palme at
Tue Feb 10 16:54:59 CET 1998

Peter Dalgaard BSA: 
 > palme at (Hubert Palme) writes:
 > > 1. Insert at the beginning of each Makefile
 > > 
 > > SHELL = /bin/sh
 > > 
 > > I stumbled over it becuase I normnally use tcsh, and this doesn't
 > > understand the (bourne shell) syntax of the control structures in the
 > > Makefiles.
 > Certainly can't harm... I thought that make would be wiser than using
 > the user shell, but apparently not.

Our Irix make takes the shell to be used from the SHELL environment(!)
variable (and e.g. tcsh sets it), GNUmake does not. So it's better to
set a SHELL variable at the beginning of each Makfile.

 > > 
 > > 2. Change all make calls to $(MAKE)
 > > 
 > > So we are shure that all the recursive make calls use the same
 > > make. This was the problem with GNUmake not solving the 'make docs'
 > > problem.
 > Yes, but... One of the things you see flashing before your eyes when
 > you run configure scripts for other packages is "checking whether make
 > sets $(MAKE)", which sort of gives the impression that there are
 > versions of make that *don't* do that. I wouldn't know what to do in
 > that case. Currently, the plan is to try to make things work with any
 > kind of make, but in the longer run, we may have to insist on gmake,
 > in which case your suggestion could be used.

Hmm... Don't know enough about the autoconf/configure mechanism and
how other programmers solve this problem, but couldn't be configure
convinced in this case to insert

MAKE = make

into each Makefile?? This should be the minimum each stupid make
should understand :-)

Hubert Palme         Bergische Universitaet-Gesamthochschule Wuppertal
                                      Computing  Center
                                      D-42097 Wuppertal
Email: palme at             (Germany)
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