R-beta: Please help (fwd)
Dr. Imre Bartfai
root at prof.pmmf.hu
Fri Nov 28 09:31:20 CET 1997
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 27 Nov 1997 08:39:37 +0100 (MET)
From: "Dr. Imre Bartfai" <root at prof.pmmf.hu>
To: R at stat.auckland.ac.nz
Subject: Please help
To whom it may concern,
I have tried to compile the package R-0.50-4 on a Linux platform.
However, while making 'dataentry.c' I got an error message according to
'dataentry.h' saying diverse "X11/ " header files are missing (e. g.
X11.). I would be very grateful if you informed me where and in which
distribution one can find that header files. Another question: can I use R
without X terminal? If yes how can I configure this? I found a variable
X_DISPLAY_MISSING in the 'configure' file. If it is set to 1, will be X
Thank you in advance
Dr. Imre Bartfai
University of Pecs, Technical Faculty
P.S.: Kann ich evtl. auch Deutsch sprechen? Das waere fuer mich lieber...
Vielen Dank im voraus!
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