R-beta: Color specifications -- simple 'bg' / 'fg' swapping -- proposal

Martin Maechler maechler at stat.math.ethz.ch
Mon Jun 30 12:17:40 CEST 1997

Consider the following example :


par(bg = 'midnightblue', fg = 'yellow')
plot(Petal.Length, Petal.Width, main = "Fisher's iris data", sub = "3 kinds")
##>>> gives black axis labels and titles ...

## Currently, the plot I want is produced by

par(bg = 'midnightblue', fg = 'yellow', col.axis='yellow',
col.lab='yellow', col.main='yellow', col.sub='yellow')
plot(Petal.Length, Petal.Width, main = "Fisher's iris data", sub = "3 kinds")

Why is this ?  --- R's extra flexibility in specifying colors ---

> x11()
> unlist(par(as.list(c("bg","fg",.Pars[ "col" == substr(.Pars,1,3)]))))
      bg       fg      col col.axis  col.lab col.main  col.sub 
 "white"  "black"  "black"  "black"  "black"  "black"  "black" 

I.e., this was that default

> par(col="blue")
> unlist(par(as.list(c("bg","fg",.Pars[ "col" == substr(.Pars,1,3)]))))
      bg       fg      col col.axis  col.lab col.main  col.sub 
 "white"  "black"   "blue"  "black"  "black"  "black"  "black" 
> par(col="black") # set it back

#-- Here I would have liked to change ALL the foreground colors :
> par(fg="blue")
> unlist(par(as.list(c("bg","fg",.Pars[ "col" == substr(.Pars,1,3)]))))
      bg       fg      col col.axis  col.lab col.main  col.sub 
 "white"   "blue"   "blue"  "black"  "black"  "black"  "black" 

Only the 'col' has been changed, but not  col.axis, col.lab, ...

Do we need another  'par' parameter  to do this,
or couldn't the semantics of  "fg" be changed such that
the example above works as I had expected?

Martin Maechler <maechler at stat.math.ethz.ch>		 <><
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