/* Mathlib : A C Library of Special Functions Copyright (C) 1999-2007 The R Development Core Team This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, a copy is available at http://www.r-project.org/Licenses/ SYNOPSIS #include double dwilcox(double x, double m, double n, int give_log) double pwilcox(double x, double m, double n, int lower_tail, int log_p) double qwilcox(double x, double m, double n, int lower_tail, int log_p); double rwilcox(double m, double n) DESCRIPTION dwilcox The density of the Wilcoxon distribution. pwilcox The distribution function of the Wilcoxon distribution. qwilcox The quantile function of the Wilcoxon distribution. rwilcox Random variates from the Wilcoxon distribution. */ /* Note: the checks here for R_CheckInterrupt also do stack checking. calloc/free are remapped for use in R, so allocation checks are done there. freeing is completed by an on.exit action in the R wrappers. */ #include "nmath.h" #include "dpq.h" #ifndef MATHLIB_STANDALONE #include #endif static double *w; static int allocated_m, allocated_n; static void w_free() { if(!w) return; free((void *) w); w = 0; allocated_m = allocated_n = 0; } void wilcox_free() { w_free(); } static void w_init_maybe(int m, int n) { int c= (m*n+1)/2; if( w){ if( m == allocated_m && n == allocated_n ) return; else w_free(); } if( !w){ w = (double *) calloc(c + 1, sizeof(double)); #ifdef MATHLIB_STANDALONE if (!w) MATHLIB_ERROR(_("wilcox allocation error %d"), 1); #endif allocated_m = m; allocated_n = n; } } /* This counts the number of choices with statistic = k More correctly, it returns the number of choices with statistic = k but it also evaluates number of choices with for every statistic k This is because the function implements Harding's algorithm. (Harding, E.F. (1984): An Efficient, Minimal-storage Procedure for Calculating the Mann-Whitney U, Generalized U and Similar Distributions, App. Statist., 33, 1-6) */ static double cwilcox(int k, int m, int n) { int c, u, i, j; int q, step; #ifndef MATHLIB_STANDALONE R_CheckUserInterrupt(); #endif u = m * n; if (k < 0 || k > u) return 0; c = (int)(u / 2); if (k > c) k = u - k; if( w[k] != 0 ) return w[k]; for( i=0; i < n+1; ++i) w[i]=1.; for( i=2; i < m+1; ++i){ step = n+i; q = c; while( q-step > -1){ w[q] = w[q] - w[q-step]; --q; } for( j=i; j 1e-7) return(R_D__0); x = floor(x + 0.5); if ((x < 0) || (x > m * n)) return(R_D__0); w_init_maybe(m, n); d = give_log ? log(cwilcox(x, m, n)) - lchoose(m + n, n) : cwilcox(x, m, n) / choose(m + n, n); return(d); } /* args have the same meaning as R function pwilcox */ double pwilcox(double q, double m, double n, int lower_tail, int log_p) { int i; double c, p; #ifdef IEEE_754 if (ISNAN(q) || ISNAN(m) || ISNAN(n)) return(q + m + n); #endif if (!R_FINITE(m) || !R_FINITE(n)) ML_ERR_return_NAN; m = floor(m + 0.5); n = floor(n + 0.5); if (m <= 0 || n <= 0) ML_ERR_return_NAN; q = floor(q + 1e-7); if (q < 0.0) return(R_DT_0); if (q >= m * n) return(R_DT_1); w_init_maybe(m, n); c = choose(m + n, n); p = 0; /* Use summation of probs over the shorter range */ if (q <= (m * n / 2)) { for (i = q; i > -1; i--) p += cwilcox(i, m, n) / c; } else { q = m * n - q; for (i = q-1; i > -1; i--) p += cwilcox(i, m, n) / c; lower_tail = !lower_tail; /* p = 1 - p; */ } return(R_DT_val(p)); } /* pwilcox */ /* x is 'p' in R function qwilcox */ double qwilcox(double x, double m, double n, int lower_tail, int log_p) { double c, p, q; #ifdef IEEE_754 if (ISNAN(x) || ISNAN(m) || ISNAN(n)) return(x + m + n); #endif if(!R_FINITE(x) || !R_FINITE(m) || !R_FINITE(n)) ML_ERR_return_NAN; R_Q_P01_check(x); m = floor(m + 0.5); n = floor(n + 0.5); if (m <= 0 || n <= 0) ML_ERR_return_NAN; if (x == R_DT_0) return(0); if (x == R_DT_1) return(m * n); if(log_p || !lower_tail) x = R_DT_qIv(x); /* lower_tail,non-log "p" */ w_init_maybe(m, n); c = choose(m + n, n); p = 0; q = 0; if (x <= 0.5) { x = x - 10 * DBL_EPSILON; for (;;) { p += cwilcox(q, m, n) / c; if (p >= x) break; q++; } } else { x = 1 - x + 10 * DBL_EPSILON; for (;;) { p += cwilcox(q, m, n) / c; if (p > x) { q = m * n - q; break; } q++; } } return(q); } double rwilcox(double m, double n) { int i, j, k, *x; double r; #ifdef IEEE_754 /* NaNs propagated correctly */ if (ISNAN(m) || ISNAN(n)) return(m + n); #endif m = floor(m + 0.5); n = floor(n + 0.5); if ((m < 0) || (n < 0)) ML_ERR_return_NAN; if ((m == 0) || (n == 0)) return(0); r = 0.0; k = (int) (m + n); x = (int *) calloc(k, sizeof(int)); #ifdef MATHLIB_STANDALONE if (!x) MATHLIB_ERROR(_("wilcox allocation error %d"), 4); #endif for (i = 0; i < k; i++) x[i] = i; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { j = floor(k * unif_rand()); r += x[j]; x[j] = x[--k]; } free(x); return(r - n * (n - 1) / 2); }