[Rd] How setClass() may introduce a binary dependency between packages

Ivan Krylov |kry|ov @end|ng |rom d|@root@org
Sat Jan 18 11:10:10 CET 2025

Hello R-devel,

Since Pavel has mentioned ABI-level dependencies between packages [1],
it may be relevant to revisit the related problem mentioned ~1.5 years
ago by Dirk [2].

While the current version of SeuratObject doesn't exhibit this problem,
a combination of package versions described by Dirk still breaks each
other on R-devel:

1. Install Matrix_1.5-1
2. Install SeuratObject_4.1.3 from source
3. Install Matrix_1.6-0
4. SeuratObject is now broken until reinstalled from source

The problem is actually slightly worse, because loading SeuratObject
from step (2) breaks sparse matrices for everyone until Matrix is
reloaded (and very few people can afford the $127-150 million budget for

library(Matrix); sparseMatrix(1,1)
# 1 x 1 sparse Matrix of class "ngCMatrix"
# [1,] |
# 1 x 1 sparse Matrix of class "ngCMatrix"
# Error in validityMethod(as(object, superClass)) :
#   object 'Csparse_validate' not found
detach('package:SeuratObject', unload = TRUE); sparseMatrix(1,1)
# 1 x 1 sparse Matrix of class "ngCMatrix"
# Error in validityMethod(as(object, superClass)) :
#   object 'Csparse_validate' not found
detach('package:Matrix', unload = TRUE); library(Matrix)
# 1 x 1 sparse Matrix of class "ngCMatrix"
# [1,] |

In turn, this can be traced to a copy of the CsparseMatrix class from
Matrix_1.5-1 remaining in the namespace and the lazy-load database of

readRDS('SeuratObject/R/SeuratObject.rdx')$variables |> names() |>
grep('sparseM', x = _, value = TRUE)
# [1] ".__C__CsparseMatrix" ".__C__dsparseMatrix" ".__C__sparseMatrix" 
SeuratObject:::.__C__CsparseMatrix using validity
# function (object) 
# .Call(Csparse_validate, object) # <-- missing in Matrix_1.6-0
# <bytecode: 0x55f1f6ff16a8>
# <environment: namespace:Matrix>

When the SeuratObject namespace is loaded, methods::cacheMetaData sees
the 1.5-1 class definition after the 1.6-0 definition and overwrites
the cache entry.

Why do these objects appear in the namespace and not the imports
environment together with the actually imported .__C__dgCMatrix?

(gdb) p Rf_install(".__C__CsparseMatrix")
$1 = (struct SEXPREC *) 0x555557888c28
(gdb) b Rf_defineVar if symbol == (SEXP)0x555557888c28
Breakpoint 1 at 0x7ffff7b1bcd0: file envir.c, line 1624.

 'SeuratObject-collated.R', 'SeuratObject/R/SeuratObject',

Eventually, after two hits during loading Matrix code and exports:

-- done processing imports for “SeuratObject”
-- loading code for “SeuratObject”
Thread 1 "R" hit Breakpoint 1, Rf_defineVar (symbol=0x555558753e18, value=0x55555d0602f8, rho=0x555558906630) at envir.c:1624
1624        if (value == R_UnboundValue)
(gdb) call Rf_PrintValue(R_NamespaceEnvSpec(rho))
          name        version
"SeuratObject"        "4.1.3"
(gdb) call Rf_PrintValue(symbol)
(gdb) call Rf_PrintValue(R_GlobalContext->call)
assign(mname, def, where)
(gdb) call Rf_PrintValue(R_GlobalContext->nextcontext->call)
assignClassDef(class2, classDef2, where2, TRUE)
(gdb) call Rf_PrintValue(R_GlobalContext->nextcontext->nextcontext->call)
setIs(class2, cli, extensionObject = obji, doComplete = FALSE, 
    where = where)
(gdb) call Rf_PrintValue(R_GlobalContext->nextcontext->nextcontext->nextcontext->call)
completeSubclasses(classDef2, class1, obj, where)
(gdb) call Rf_PrintValue(R_GlobalContext->nextcontext->nextcontext->nextcontext->nextcontext->call)
setIs(Class, class2, classDef = classDef, where = where)
(gdb) call Rf_PrintValue(R_GlobalContext->nextcontext->nextcontext->nextcontext->nextcontext->nextcontext->nextcontext->nextcontext->nextcontext->nextcontext->nextcontext->nextcontext->call)
setClass(Class = "Graph", contains = "dgCMatrix", slots = list(assay.used = "OptionalCharacter"))

In other words, setIs("Graph", "dgCMatrix", ...) implies setIs("Graph",
"CsparseMatrix", ...), which needs to update the definition of
CsparseMatrix in some environment. In the current version of
SeuratObject, methods:::.findOrCopyClass() succeeds in finding the
class to update in the _imports_ of SeuratObject because the relevant
classes are now imported [3]:

findClass('CsparseMatrix', loadNamespace('SeuratObject'))
# [[1]]
# <environment: 0x560676e863c8>
# attr(,"name")
# [1] "imports:SeuratObject"

In SeuratObject_4.1.3, the class was not imported, so
methods:::.findOrCopyClass() used the SeuratObject _namespace_ as the
environment to assign the class definition in.

Are there ways to prevent this problem (by importing more classes?) or
at least warn about it at package check time? How prevalent is class
copying on CRAN? Out of 358 packages installed on my machine, many no
doubt outdated, only six copy foreign S4 classes into their own

installed.packages() |> rownames() |> setNames(nm = _) |> lapply(\(n) {
 ns <- loadNamespace(n)
 ls(ns, pattern = '^[.]__C__', all.names = TRUE) |>
  setNames(nm = _) |> lapply(get, ns) |>
  vapply(attr, '', 'package') ->
 pkgs[pkgs != n]
}) |> Filter(length, x = _)
# $dplyr
#    .__C__tbl .__C__tbl_df
#     "tibble"     "tibble"
# $MatrixModels
#     .__C__mMatrix .__C__replValueSp
#          "Matrix"          "Matrix"
# $NMF
# .__C__AssayData
#       "Biobase"
# $readr
#    .__C__tbl .__C__tbl_df
#     "tibble"     "tibble"
# $vroom
#    .__C__tbl .__C__tbl_df
#     "tibble"     "tibble"
# $shinystan
# .__C__stanfit 
#       "rstan" 

Would it be right to replace all those with importClassesFrom()? If
yes, should R CMD check eventually start warning about foreign copied

Best regards,




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