[Rd] Package compression benchmarks for zstd vs gzip

Jeroen Ooms jeroenoom@ @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Sat Jan 11 00:16:51 CET 2025

Many distros and browsers these days use zstd as the preferred
compression method. For example if you unpack a .deb or .rpm file on
Debian or Fedora there is zstd archive inside. It is claimed that zstd
offers improved compression over gzip, but (unlike lzma) it has
comparable decompression speed. Maybe it is interesting to get an
estimate of how much R packages would benefit from zstd.

Testing this for source packages and MacOS binary packages it is easy
as we can gunzip and recompress tar.gz files without having to extract
the tarball itself:

  for x in *gz; do
    FILE=$(basename $x)
    GZIP=$(wc -c "$x" | awk '{print $1}')
    ZSTD=$(gunzip -c $x | zstd -19 | wc -c)
    echo "$FILE $GZIP $ZSTD" | tee -a $OUTPUT

Attached are results of running this script on the 500 most downloaded
CRAN packages. It shows about 16% size reduction for sources, and 19%
for binaries.

Zstd is BSD licensed C code that can easily be embedded in any project.

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