[Rd] Alternative to some recently changed parts of dates.R and datetime.R
Suharto Anggono Suharto Anggono
@uh@rto_@nggono @end|ng |rom y@hoo@com
Mon Nov 25 17:38:09 CET 2024
In function 'Summary.Date' in dates.R ,
could be used instead of
In function 'format.POSIXlt' in datetime.R ,
unlist(unclass(x)[1L:3L], use.names=FALSE)
could be used instead of
unlist(`names<-`(unclass(x)[1L:3L], NULL))
Also, the fragment
secs <- x$sec[f0]; secs <- secs[is.finite(secs)]
could be put inside
if(np >= 1L)
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