[Rd] Mismatches for methods registered for non-generic:
Koenker, Roger W
rkoenker @end|ng |rom ||||no|@@edu
Mon May 27 12:52:26 CEST 2024
I’m trying to repair my SparseM package to meet new CRAN rules. The fun part was rewriting the arithmetic-ifs in cholesky.f — to conform with new fortran rules. (This struck me as a bit like updating “the wine dark seas” in Homer.) Now, my remaining trouble is that I have several functions declared as generic, e.g.
setMethod("as.matrix.coo","matrix.csr", function(x, nrow, ncol,eps){.csr.coo(x)})
that have been fine until now and on my fresh R version 4.4.0 (2024-04-24) are still ok with R CMD check —as-cran but CRAN checking reveals, e.g.
Check: S3 generic/method consistency, Result: NOTE
Mismatches for methods registered for non-generic:
function(object, Class, strict, ext)
function(x, nrow, ncol, eps, …)
which I interpret as regarding my generics as just S3 methods for the non-generic “as”. Can someone advise on the best way to repair this?
With best regards, and eternal gratitude for the efforts of R-core in making R a living language.
Roger Koenker
r.koenker using ucl.ac.uk
Honorary Professor of Economics
Department of Economics, UCL
Emeritus Professor of Economics
and Statistics, UIUC
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