[Rd] FR: Customize background colour of row and column headers for the View output

Duncan Murdoch murdoch@dunc@n @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Wed May 15 11:12:51 CEST 2024

A criticism of your suggestion is that it is not backwards compatible. 
Does that matter?  I don't know, but probably not.  The X11 version of 
the viewer does what you suggest.

Duncan Murdoch

On 2024-05-15 2:20 a.m., Iago Giné Vázquez wrote:
> About the decisions:
> Actually, the same way dataedittext modifies the text colour not only
> of data, but also of row and column names, and dataedituser modifies
> the colour of all the borders, I think dataeditbg should modify the
> background of all the window, at least that "inside" those
> borders. Otherwise, any other option for the background colour on row
> and column headers would allow the same set of colours and with the
> same names, which are those commented in Rconsole:
> ## Colours for console and pager(s)
> # (see rwxxxx/etc/rgb.txt for the known colours).
> Regarding the code, looking to the Windows data editor [1], and taking
> into account what you and lastly Ivan told previously
>      This is entirely correct: the dialog uses the colour returned by
>      dialog_bg(), which is GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNFACE).
> (maybe a naive question from who does not know the code), could not be
> used `guiColors[dataeditbg]` instead of `dialog_bg()` in the unique
> place this is present?. So, instead of
>      bbg = dialog_bg()
> it would appear
>      bbg = guiColors[dataeditbg];
> Thanks!
> Iago
> [1] 
> https://svn.r-project.org/R/trunk/src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c <https://svn.r-project.org/R/trunk/src/library/utils/src/windows/dataentry.c>
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *De:* Duncan Murdoch <murdoch.duncan using gmail.com>
> *Enviat el:* dimarts, 14 de maig de 2024 14:22
> *Per a:* Iago Giné Vázquez <iago.gine using sjd.es>; r-devel using R-project.org 
> <r-devel using r-project.org>
> *A/c:* Ivan Krylov <ikrylov using disroot.org>
> *Tema:* Re: FR: Customize background colour of row and column headers 
> for the View output
> This seems like something that should be fairly easily doable.  Why
> don't you work out a patch?
> Some decisions to make:
> - What colours are we talking about?  Would you want the labels to have
> their colour set independent of the dialog colours?  If so, would you
> also want to configure the dialog colours?
> - What names should be used for the colours?
> - Where should all of these definitions be documented?
> If you don't feel comfortable with the coding, perhaps you could answer
> these questions, and someone else may code it for you.  I won't (I no
> longer have easy access to Windows), but I could help with the design.
> Duncan Murdoch
> On 2024-05-14 5:25 a.m., Iago Giné Vázquez wrote:
>> Thanks again Duncan and Ivan,
>> I forward then the email to R-devel.
>> Summarizing, the dataedit options (in RGui preferences or RConsole) to
>> colouring the View output do not have effect on the background of the row
>> and column names (see https://ibb.co/Dkn2pVs <https://ibb.co/Dkn2pVs> <https://ibb.co/Dkn2pVs 
> <https://ibb.co/Dkn2pVs>>).
>> Could this be implemented?
>> Thank you!
>> Best regards,
>> Iago
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> *De:* Ivan Krylov <ikrylov using disroot.org>
>> *Enviat el:* dilluns, 13 de maig de 2024 14:34
>> *Per a:* Duncan Murdoch <murdoch.duncan using gmail.com>
>> *A/c:* Iago Giné Vázquez <iago.gine using sjd.es>; r-help using r-project.org 
>> <r-help using r-project.org>
>> *Tema:* Re: [R] Is there some way to customize colours for the View output?
>> В Mon, 13 May 2024 06:08:22 -0400
>> Duncan Murdoch <murdoch.duncan using gmail.com> пишет:
>>> The row and column names don't appear to be controllable from that
>>> menu, they seem (on my machine) to be displayed in the same colour as
>>> the background of a dialog box, i.e. some kind of gray.  I don't
>>> think R tries to control that colour, but perhaps some Windows
>>> setting would change it.
>> This is entirely correct: the dialog uses the colour returned by
>> dialog_bg(), which is GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNFACE).
>> I think it could be a reasonable feature request to use an adjustable
>> colour for the row and column headers.
>> -- 
>> Best regards,
>> Ivan

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