[Rd] [External] Non-API updates

Tim Taylor t|m@t@y|or @end|ng |rom h|ddene|eph@nt@@co@uk
Tue Jun 25 18:43:11 CEST 2024

On 25/06/2024 17:25, Josiah Parry wrote:
> With respect to NOTES and WARN on CRAN, these do not result in any
> package maintainer notifications. The only notification that the developers
> receive is the threatening one that states that the packages will be
> removed
> from CRAN with a very short timeline.

I'd recommend regularly checking 
on a regular basis or better still automating said checking. I use 
dang::checkCRANStatus() in my .Rprofile  to stay up to date ...

R> dang::checkCRANStatus("josiah.parry using gmail.com")
         Package WARN NOTE OK
1        arcgis           13
2 arcgisgeocode         8  5
3  arcgislayers           13
4  arcgisplaces         9  4
5   arcgisutils        13
6        arcpbf    2    7  4
7           b64    2    7  4
8         rsgeo    2    7  4
9       trendyy           13


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