[Rd] Determining the size of a package

Simon Urbanek @|mon@urb@nek @end|ng |rom R-project@org
Thu Jan 18 02:55:20 CET 2024


the check does not apply to binary installations (such as the Mac builds), because those depend heavily on the static libraries included in the package binary which can be quite big and generally cannot be reduced in size - for example:


> On Jan 18, 2024, at 12:26 PM, William Revelle <lists using revelle.net> wrote:
> Dear fellow developers,
> Is there an easy way to determine how big my packages  (psych and psychTools)  will be on various versions of CRAN?
> I have been running into the dread 'you are bigger than 5 MB" message for some installations of R on CRAN but not others.  The particular problem seems to be some of the mac versions (specifically r-oldrel-macos-arm64 and r-release-macos-X64 )
> When I build it on my Mac M1 it is well within the limits, but when pushing to CRAN,  I run into the size message.
> Is there a way I can find what the size will be on these various implementations without bothering the nice people at CRAN.
> Thanks.
> William Revelle            personality-project.org/revelle.html
> Professor                    personality-project.org
> Department of Psychology         www.wcas.northwestern.edu/psych/
> Northwestern University            www.northwestern.edu/
> Use R for psychology                 personality-project.org/r
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