[Rd] static html vignette

Ivan Krylov kry|ov@r00t @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Thu Jan 4 11:55:48 CET 2024

On Thu, 4 Jan 2024 11:57:15 +0200
Adrian Dușa <dusa.adrian using gmail.com> wrote:

> I wonder if it would be possible to include an html static vignette. 

This is better suited for R-package-devel, not R-devel.

I would say that static vignettes are against the spirit of vignettes:
the idea is to provide another layer of unit testing to the package by
providing a deeper executable example than is possible with just Rd
examples. I think that Bioconductor will even refuse a package with a
vignette with no executable code in it.

Still, you can use the R.rsp package to provide static vignettes in
both PDF and HTML formats:

This will add 6 packages to your total Suggests budget:

 unlist(package_dependencies('R.rsp', recursive=TRUE)),
# [1] "R.methodsS3" "R.oo"        "R.utils"     "R.cache"     "digest"  

HTML vignettes currently have much better accessibility than PDF
vignettes, and the need for a low-dependency-footprint (in terms of
both R packages and external tools like Pandoc) HTML vignette engine is
evident <https://github.com/rstats-gsod/gsod2022/issues/5>. It's easy
to solve this problem ~80% of the way, but making something that ticks
all the boxes (zero-dependency and/or suitable for inclusion into R
itself, handles plots *and* math, low-boilerplate, no external
dependencies like Pandoc or JavaScript CDNs, compact output) is a hard
problem that's mostly not fun to work on.

The R2HTML package has no non-core hard dependencies and provides an
HTML Sweave engine, but I'm not sure it can be used in a vignette (and
it probably needs more maintainer work to be up to modern standards).

The zero-dependency approach will be to bring your own vignette engine
with you, but that requires lots of additional work (including bug
workarounds: <https://bugs.r-project.org/show_bug.cgi?id=18191>). I've
seen CRAN packages that do that, but I cannot find them right now. Yet
another trick would be to provide a dummy *.Rnw file to trigger the
vignette-building code and a Makefile in which the real vignette is
produced (removing the dummy vignette and its intermediate output).
Again, writing a portable Makefile is non-trivial and only lets you
work around PR18191.

Best regards,

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