[Rd] Low level subsetting and S3 subsetting

Antoine Fabri @nto|ne@|@br| @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Thu Feb 29 13:30:59 CET 2024

Dear R-devel,

I periodically stumble on the same challenges when working with objects
with bracket S3 methods, and their length and names counterparts. I make
the distinction between what I call S3 subsetting using `[` and `[[` and
low level subsetting using `.subset()` and `.subset2()`.

When working with low level subsetting one has to be extremely careful,
because `length()`, `names()`, and `lapply()` (through the `as.list()`
method) are not guaranteed to work consistently (they are technically not
guaranteed to work consistently at the S3 level either but I reckon that
for a well designed class they should). Indeed AFAIK for the low level
length we need length(unclass(x)), for the low level names we need attr(x,

Assignment is another issue, we don't have `.subset<-` and `.subset2<-` so
we have to jump through many hoops to robustly assign to a deep nested
element in a classed list containing classed elements.

Interestingly, for loops work with low level subsetting, while lapply works
with S3 (and, fun fact, purrr::map works with low level subsetting too).

This idiom is robust with a consistent class, because lapply uses
`as.list()` : x[] <- lapply(x, fun)
But these are brittle, we're looping at a low level and assigning with S3
:: x[] <- purrr::map(x, fun)
for (i in x) {
  x[[i]] <- fun(x[[I]])

I wish we had some tools to manipulate data easily and safely at the low
level. Specifically I would like :
* A .names() function that returns attr(x,,"names")
* A .length() function that returns length(unclass(x)) efficiently
* .subset<-() and .subset2<-() functions to assign safely in nested objects
* An argument to lapply to allow looping at the low level (skip the
as.list() preprocessing)

Additionally, I recently realised that it is not easy with base R to
robustly check if an index exists in a list object (esp with low level
subsetting), I discuss it here :

An efficient helper function would be useful in base R IMO.

Many thanks,


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