[Rd] `sort` hanging without R_CheckUserInterrupt()
Martin Maechler
m@ech|er @end|ng |rom @t@t@m@th@ethz@ch
Thu Feb 22 16:09:59 CET 2024
>>>>> Aidan Lakshman
>>>>> on Wed, 21 Feb 2024 15:10:35 -0500 writes:
> Hi everyone,
> Just a quick question/problem I encountered, wanted to make sure this is known behavior. Running `sort` on a long vector can take quite a bit of time, and I found today that there don’t seem to be any calls to `R_CheckUserInterrupt()` during execution. Calling something like `sort((2^31):1)` takes good bit of time to run on my machine and is uninterruptable without force-terminating the entire R session.
> There doesn’t seem to be any mention in the help files that this method is uninterruptable. All the methods called from `sortVector` in `src/main/sort.c` lack checks for user interrupts as well.
> My main question is, is this known behavior? Is it worth including a warning in the help file? I don’t doubt that including a bunch of `R_CheckUserInterrupt()` calls would really hurt performance, but it may be possible to add an occasional call if `sort` is called on a long vector.
> This may not even be a problem that affects people, which is my main reason for inquiring.
What you claim is partly incorrect.
It depends very much on the platform you are using, and this
case is depends quite a bit on the amount of RAM it has,
but sort() is definitely interruptable {read on, see later}:
The reason that your interrupt does not happen for a while is
that you are working with huge objects. For such objects, even
v <- v + 1
typically takes several seconds... also depending on the
platform *and* R would be terribly slow if it allowed
interruption everywhere.
Also with such huge objects *and* when you are close to the RAM boundary,
the computer starts swapping {easy to observe with a system
monitor, e.g. `htop` on Linux} and such processes belong to the
OS, not to R, so are typically *not* interruptable by just
telling R to stop working: R is *not* working at all at the
point in time, it's waiting for the OS to feed memory space to R.
If I use my personal computer with 16 GB RAM, my process is even
*killed* by the OS when I do v <- v+1
because my OS is Fedora Linux and it uses an OOM Daemon process
(OOM = Out Of Memory) which kills processes if they start to eat
most of the computer RAM ... because the whole computer becomes
unusable in such situations [yes, one can tweak the OOMD or
disable it]. I assume your computer also has 16 GB RAM because
that is really the critical size for *numeric* vectors of length 2^31:
(numeric = double prec = 8 = 2^3 bytes).
> 2^34
[1] 17'179'869'184 # (the "'" added by MM) i.e. 17 billion
16 GB is roughly 16 billion bytes
As soon as I switch to one of our powerful "compute clients"
with several hundred giga bytes of RAM, everything behaves
normally ... well if you are aware that 2^31 *is* large and
hence slow by necessity, and almost *every* operation takes a
few seconds.
Here's a log on such a computer {using my package's
sfsmisc::Sys.memGB() , not crucially} :
R version 4.3.3 RC (2024-02-21 r85967) -- "Angel Food Cake"
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> options(pager='cat')
> options(width=81, length=99999)
> n <- 2^30; iv <- n:1; .Internal(inspect(iv))
@5eb6b20 13 INTSXP g0c0 [REF(65535)] 1073741824 : 1 (compact)
> n/1e9
[1] 1.073742
> system.time(sv <- sort(iv)) ## no problem to stop :
C-c C-c
Timing stopped at: 4.319 4.204 8.547
> str(sv) # indeed, sv has not been produced:
Error: object 'sv' not found
> Sys.memGB() # from package 'sfsmisc'; probably fails to work on non-Linux
[1] 515.8418
> ## i.e., I have *LOTS* of memory on this (special!) machine [ ada-21 @ ETH ]
> n <- 2^31; iv <- n:1; .Internal(inspect(iv))
@25b9ee8 14 REALSXP g0c0 [REF(65535)] 2147483648 : 1 (compact)
> system.time(sv <- sort(iv))
C-c C-c ##--- I pressed [Ctrl] C twice (because I use ESS) ==> it works:
Timing stopped at: 15.08 4.286 19.42
> str(sv) # indeed, sv has not been produced:
Error: object 'sv' not found
> system.time(sv <- sort(iv)) # no interrupt etc, just noticing how long..
user system elapsed
139.931 13.061 153.533
> str(sv)
num [1:2147483648] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
Note the relatively large 'system' times: As a non-expert I
guess that this is from R waiting for the OS to allocate
the huge memory chunks R is asking it for.
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