[Rd] Petition to set warnPartialMatch* options to TRUE

Kurt Hornik Kurt@Horn|k @end|ng |rom wu@@c@@t
Mon Apr 29 11:46:37 CEST 2024

>>>>> Therneau, Terry M , Ph D writes:

> Let me give partial assent to Michael's suggestion:  a) have an easy way to
> turn this on and b) add a strong suggestion to do so to the WRE manual.   
> Kurt's example in the email shows how to do (a);  but I just looked in the
> WRE manual and don't see any reference to it, nor any mention from R CMD
> check --help, so I don't know where I would have found out about it.

> I have gotton warnings about partial matches from CRAN  wrt the survival
> package --- I suspect at the benefit of Kurt  --- and though I muttered under
> my breath about it at the time there is no doubt that it was a good idea to
> fix all of them, and I'm glad for the nudge.

> Kurt: does that envionment variable contain the options string itself, or
> does it point to a file containing the options?

The latter: one can use _R_CHECK_EXAMPLES_PROFILE_ to point to a profile
containing e.g.

options(warnPartialMatchArgs = TRUE,
        warnPartialMatchAttr = TRUE,
        warnPartialMatchDollar = TRUE,
        showErrorCalls = TRUE,
        showWarnCalls = TRUE)


> I appreciate partial matching when typing code at the terminal so want the
> feature to remain in that context.

> Terry T

> -- 
> Terry M Therneau, PhD
> Department of Quantitative Health Sciences
> Mayo Clinic
> therneau using mayo.edu

> "TERR-ree THUR-noh"

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