[Rd] New behavior when running script in package directory?

Dominick Samperi dj@@mper| @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Wed Jun 21 17:49:24 CEST 2023

Thanks, I checked for .Rprofile and .RData files. They are not present.
I also tried renaming my .emacs.d file in case the problem is due to
my Emacs configuration, but this didn't change anything.

If I go to package/R, start R, and use source('foo.R'), there is no problem.

But if I use Emacs/ESS to run the script foo.R (with no .emacs.d) I get
an error referring to a temp file /tmp/foo.R!djSwRn, namely

Error in ss(file, echo = visibly, local = local, print.eval = output,  :
  /tmp/foo.R!djSwRn:2:0: unexpected end of input
1: foo <- function(secs) {

Here are the contents of foo.R:
foo <- function(secs) {

What seems to be happening is this. After reading the script into Emacs and
using Ctrl-n to start emacs, R starts, setwd(<path to packageA/R>) is run,
and then the signal package is attached (a dependency of packageA), and
I get the error message. There is no problem when Emacs is used to run
the script in my home directory.

This raises a couple of questions:
1. Why does Emacs/ESS behave differently depending on the
current working directory?
2. Why is the signal package loaded automatically?
3. Why is that temporary file /tmp/foo.R!djSwRn created?
4. What is that function ss() in the error message referring to?
5. Could this be a virus? Under Ubuntu?


On Wed, Jun 21, 2023 at 2:17 AM Jan van der Laan <rhelp using eoos.dds.nl> wrote:

> Could there be a .Rprofile or .RData file in the directory where you
> start R? These are run/loaded when you start R when present (with the
> default arguments when starting R).
> HTH,
> Jan
> On 20-06-2023 23:38, Dominick Samperi wrote:
> > When I run a script foo.R containing some trivial code in my home
> > directory, via Emacs/ESS, everything works as expected: R
> > starts, and a setwd() command to set the working directory is
> > run automatically before the code in the script is run.
> >
> > But if I copy foo.R to some package/R directory strange
> > things happen. When I use Emacs/ESS to run the script
> > in its new location, R starts, and setwd() is called to set
> > the working directory, but then one or more libraries that the
> > package depends on are loaded, even though I am using no
> > libraries in foo.R.
> >
> > Now consider foo.R that contains the following trivial code:
> > secsToRDateTime <- function(secs) {
> >    day2sec <- 60*60*24
> >    days <- secs/day2sec
> > }
> >
> > When I try to run this from package/R I get...
> >
> > Error in ss(file, echo = visibly, local = local, print.eval = output,  :
> >    /tmp/gpstime.R!CuSewT:2:0: unexpected end of input
> > 1: secsToRDateTime <- function(secs) {
> >     ^
> >
> > As I said, there are no problems when the script is run from my
> > home directory. This suggests that test scripts can no longer be
> > tested in a package's R directory?
> >
> > Is this true?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Dominick
> >
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