[Rd] rhub vs. CRAN fedora-*-devel, using armadillo & slapack

Serguei Sokol @oko| @end|ng |rom |n@@-tou|ou@e@|r
Tue Jan 10 11:40:38 CET 2023

Le 10/01/2023 à 11:37, Serguei Sokol a écrit :
> Le 10/01/2023 à 10:44, RICHET Yann a écrit :
>> Dear R-devel people,
>> We are working to submit a package which is mainly a binding over a 
>> C++ lib (https://github.com/libKriging) using armadillo.
>> It is _not_ a standard RcppArmadillo package, because we also had to 
>> provide a python binding... so there is a huge layer of cmake & 
>> scripting to make it work with a standard armadillo (but using same 
>> version that RcppArmadillo).
>> It seems now working with almost all CRAN targets, but a problem 
>> remains with fedora (clang & gcc) devel.
>> Our issue is that the rhub docker is not well sync with the CRAN 
>> fedora-clang-devel config:
>> - failing on CRAN (without clear reason): 
>> https://www.r-project.org/nosvn/R.check/r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-clang/rlibkriging-00check.html
> I see  2 candidates for  reasons of failing on CRAN:
>  1. test time is 30 min while 15 min are allowed;
>  2. your code try to get 30 threads
Oops, it was 10 threads not 30 but it does not change the nature of a 
possible issue.

> while CRAN limits them to 2;
> Try to make your tests shorter ( < 15 min) on 2 threads. May be it 
> will help.
> Best,
> Serguei.
>> - passing on rhub: 
>> https://builder.r-hub.io/status/rlibkriging_0.7-3.tar.gz-20f7dc7562726497af7c678ab41f4dea
>> So we cannot investigate and fix the problem.
>> Note that we did quite strange things with the fedora platforms: 
>> include explicitely slapack to provide simple precision for our 
>> (vanilla) armadillo...
>> Do you have any idea, or even known problem in mind, that could be 
>> related to this ?
>> Best regards,
>> -- 
>> Dr. Yann Richet
>> Institute for Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety 
>> (https://www.irsn.fr),
>>    Department of Characterization of Natural Unexpected Events and Sites
>> Office : +33 1 58 35 88 84
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Serguei Sokol
Ingenieur de recherche INRAE

Cellule Mathématiques
135 Avenue de Rangueil
31077 Toulouse Cedex 04

tel: +33 5 61 55 98 49
email: sokol using insa-toulouse.fr

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