[Rd] option to silence/quieten stats::confint.glm ?

Ben Bolker bbo|ker @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Fri Dec 8 00:21:08 CET 2023

    confint.glm prints a message "Waiting for profiling to be done..."

    I could have sworn that there used to be an option (quiet = TRUE?) 
to turn this message off without resorting to suppressMessages() 
(finer/more specific control is always preferable ...) -- but on the 
basis of looking back at archived versions of MASS, and at this Stack 
Overflow post:


  I think I was hallucinating.

  Do people think this would be a reasonable minor feature request/would 
a patch suggestion be considered? What would the  best name for the 
argument be? (scan() has "quiet")

pos <- tail(search(), 1)  ## base package
tt <- lapply(c(lsf.str(pos = pos)), \(x) names(formals(x))) |> unlist() 
|> table()
 > tt[["quiet"]]
[1] 4
 > tt[["silent"]]
[1] 1
 > tt[["verbose"]]
[1] 9

      Ben Bolker

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