[Rd] Building R-4.1.3 from source - creating .msi fails

Duncan Murdoch murdoch@dunc@n @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Tue May 10 22:15:27 CEST 2022

On 10/05/2022 3:01 p.m., Gmail wrote:
> Thanks for the swift reply.
> Maybe some clarifications from my side - I am not referring to the R-4.2.0 version (manual).
> But the earlier up to R-4.1.3 version manuals, where there always was a section about "Building the MSI installer" [right after Building the Inno Setup Installer] included (ending with thanks to David del Campo).

Some more clarification, please:  which manual are you talking about?  I 
don't see those sections in the R Admin manual.  Maybe they were 
conditional on the Windows build?

> And as far as I can tell the Inno Setup section is also gone from the 4.2.0 manual now? On purpose?

You could look at the svn history of the source file to see what the log 
message says.  So could I, if I only knew which manual you are looking at.

> Then why is it that there is still an /installer folder in R-4.2.0 with all the Inno Setup files eg header.iss and JRins.R as well as WiXins.R in it, and the installer/Makefile also still includes all these sections.
> So in the spirit of things I guess that all lines in the .../installer/Makefile (line 49 and lines 180 ff.) as well as the whole “WiXins.R” file in the /installer folder should be removed from R-4.1.3.tar.gz (which is available in that form for download from r-project)? And judging from the manual the .iss related parts as well?

The 4.1.3 tarfile has been released, and can't be modified.  The only 
way a modification would be possible would be to release a new 4.1.x 
patch version, but that's really, really unlikely.

> At the same time R-4.0.5 msi build works fine so probably should not be altered/removed in R-4.0.5.tar.gz?

Changes there are even less likely, so don't worry about them.

Duncan Murdoch

> G, W
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tomas Kalibera <tomas.kalibera using gmail.com>
> Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2022 3:07 PM
> To: Gmail <walter.djuric using gmail.com>; r-devel using R-project.org
> Subject: Re: [Rd] Building R-4.1.3 from source - creating .msi fails
> On 5/9/22 18:36, Gmail wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> lately I was building R-4.1.3 from source and as the final step I
>> decided to also try and build the .msi file.
>> I was following along the R Admin manual and using Jeroens “r-windows/r-base” GitHub repo as a basis.
>> The build, the tests all the way to the Inno-Setup Windows .exe installer completed successfully - but not the "R-4.1.3.msi" file.
> The MSI installer is not supported. I can't see it mentioned in R-Admin, but if you found it there or in some documentation, please report, so that it can be removed.
> Best
> Tomas
>> Since I am not really knowledgeable when it comes to debugging WiX failures I was hoping someone here has some helpful comments.
>> Below are the logs/output/errors/file excerpts:
>> =========================
>> R-4.1.3.log:
>> ----------------
>> Windows Installer XML Toolset Compiler version Copyright
>> (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved.
>> *** asterisk lines separate content of different files
>> **********************************
>> **********************************************************************
>> *******
>> R.wxs [file]
>> D:\r-base\src\R-source\src\gnuwin32\installer\R.wxs(50036) : error
>> CNDL0104 : Not a valid source file;
>> detail: The 'DirectoryRef' start tag on line 50033 position 14 does not match the end tag of 'Component'. Line 50036, position 19.
>> **********************************************************************
>> ******* R.wxs [file] (lines 50032 – 50037, etc.) I understand the
>> error is the result of line 50034 having the first of many (after that
>> line there are hundreds) “unprovoked” NA’s :
>> ...
>> ...
>>               </DirectoryRef>
>>               <DirectoryRef Id="dirDFBCD23F607D1BCC15748A367C06C465">
>>       NA
>>                       <File Id="fil49DED439D60E725AA5D6402B8A36B915" KeyPath="yes" Source="R-4.1.3\library\base\help\print.DLLInfoList.html" />
>>                   </Component>
>>               </DirectoryRef>
>>               <DirectoryRef Id="dir4A5E34FDE4B660BFC361AB8682CC00A3">
>> ....
>> ....
>> Additionally here follows  line 82158 where, because there are no more file-ids after line 82160 below the NAs also disappear:
>>               <DirectoryRef Id="dir1FF2414B716F9EC0C950A7D0C5600532">
>>       NA
>>                       <File Id="fil7FBA10F4604BA92660D4FA85CA81B1BC" KeyPath="yes" Source="R-4.1.3\library\Matrix\help\coerce+2ClsTMatrix+2CdsTMatrix-method.html" />
>>                   </Component>
>>               </DirectoryRef>
>>               <DirectoryRef Id="dirD31021A615C26B5D3F93CF12408AE4B5">
>>                   <Directory Id="dir0016419565268E77B190EFC6ECFE56AD" Name="LC_MESSAGES" />
>>               </DirectoryRef>
>> **********************************************************************
>> ******* files.wxs [file] here is the corresponding files Fragment of
>> the above (first)  "corrupted" tag ie of file-id:
>> fil49DED439D60E725AA5D6402B8A36B915
>> ...
>> ...
>> <Fragment>
>>           <DirectoryRef Id="dirDFBCD23F607D1BCC15748A367C06C465">
>>               <Component Id="cmp9D50FF8D0F55461A69B18CCAC6292CA3" Guid="PUT-GUID-HERE">
>>                   <File Id="fil49DED439D60E725AA5D6402B8A36B915" KeyPath="yes" Source="SourceDir\library\base\help\print.DLLInfoList.html" />
>>               </Component>
>>           </DirectoryRef>
>>       </Fragment>
>>       <Fragment>
>> ...
>> ...
>> **********************************************************************
>> ******* The “WiXins.R” file I am using is the unmodified
>> /src/gnuwin32/installer/WiXins.R of the .tar.gz downloaded from:
>> https://cran.r-project.org/src/base/R-4/R-4.1.3.tar.gz
>> =========================
>> Greetings,
>> Walter
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