[Rd] Building R-4.1.3 from source - creating .msi fails

Gmail w@|ter@djur|c @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Mon May 9 18:36:50 CEST 2022

Dear all, 
lately I was building R-4.1.3 from source and 
as the final step I decided to also try and build the .msi file. 

I was following along the R Admin manual and using Jeroens “r-windows/r-base” GitHub repo as a basis. 
The build, the tests all the way to the Inno-Setup Windows .exe installer completed successfully - but not the "R-4.1.3.msi" file. 
Since I am not really knowledgeable when it comes to debugging WiX failures I was hoping someone here has some helpful comments. 

Below are the logs/output/errors/file excerpts: 

Windows Installer XML Toolset Compiler version
Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved.

*** asterisk lines separate content of different files **********************************

R.wxs [file]
D:\r-base\src\R-source\src\gnuwin32\installer\R.wxs(50036) : error CNDL0104 : Not a valid source file; 
detail: The 'DirectoryRef' start tag on line 50033 position 14 does not match the end tag of 'Component'. Line 50036, position 19.

R.wxs [file] (lines 50032 – 50037, etc.) 
I understand the error is the result of line 50034 having the first of many (after that line there are hundreds) 
“unprovoked” NA’s : 
            <DirectoryRef Id="dirDFBCD23F607D1BCC15748A367C06C465">
                    <File Id="fil49DED439D60E725AA5D6402B8A36B915" KeyPath="yes" Source="R-4.1.3\library\base\help\print.DLLInfoList.html" />
            <DirectoryRef Id="dir4A5E34FDE4B660BFC361AB8682CC00A3">
Additionally here follows  line 82158 where, because there are no more file-ids after line 82160 below the NAs also disappear: 
            <DirectoryRef Id="dir1FF2414B716F9EC0C950A7D0C5600532">
                    <File Id="fil7FBA10F4604BA92660D4FA85CA81B1BC" KeyPath="yes" Source="R-4.1.3\library\Matrix\help\coerce+2ClsTMatrix+2CdsTMatrix-method.html" />
            <DirectoryRef Id="dirD31021A615C26B5D3F93CF12408AE4B5">
                <Directory Id="dir0016419565268E77B190EFC6ECFE56AD" Name="LC_MESSAGES" />

files.wxs [file] here is the corresponding files Fragment of the above (first)  "corrupted" tag 
ie of file-id: fil49DED439D60E725AA5D6402B8A36B915
        <DirectoryRef Id="dirDFBCD23F607D1BCC15748A367C06C465">
            <Component Id="cmp9D50FF8D0F55461A69B18CCAC6292CA3" Guid="PUT-GUID-HERE">
                <File Id="fil49DED439D60E725AA5D6402B8A36B915" KeyPath="yes" Source="SourceDir\library\base\help\print.DLLInfoList.html" />

The “WiXins.R” file I am using is the unmodified /src/gnuwin32/installer/WiXins.R of the .tar.gz downloaded from: https://cran.r-project.org/src/base/R-4/R-4.1.3.tar.gz  


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