[Rd] Rgui.exe 4.2.0 does not receive characters via the Windows API's PostMessage function

jcfaria jo@ec|@ud|o@|@r|@ @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Fri May 6 07:03:31 CEST 2022

Dear Duncan,
I believe the problem is of a different nature.
I get TRUE 3 times running the code below:

procedure TfMain.btnPasteClick(Sender: TObject);
   i: integer;
   sTmp: string;
   hBN: HWND;
   j: bool;

   hBN:= FindWindowA(nil,
                     'R Console (64-bit)');

   sTmp:= 'sd';

   for i:= 1 to Length(sTmp) do begin
     j:= PostMessage(hBN,


   j:= PostMessage(hBN,
               VK_RETURN, 0);


That is, Rgui is receiving the message of the characters (via 
PostMessage), but it is blocking because it does not show them in the 
The only thing Rgui blames is Carriage Return, as it adds an additional 
prompt with each run.


Jose Claudio Faria
joseclaudio.faria at gmail.com
55(73)3680.5545 - UESC
55(73)99966.9100 - VIVO
If you have software to deal with statistics, you have arms,
if you have good software, you have arms and legs,
if you have software like R, you have arms, legs and wings...
the height of your flight depends only on you.

------ Mensagem original ------
De: "Duncan Murdoch" <murdoch.duncan using gmail.com>
Para: "jcfaria" <joseclaudio.faria using gmail.com>; r-devel using r-project.org
Enviado(s): 05/05/2022 13:17:53
Assunto: Re: [Rd] Rgui.exe 4.2.0 does not receive characters via the 
Windows API's PostMessage function

>On 05/05/2022 11:17 a.m., jcfaria wrote:
>>Rgui.exe 4.2.0 does not receive characters via the Windows API's
>>PostMessage function.
>>The Tinn-R project sends messages to Rgui.exe (SDI mode) via the Windows
>>API's PostMessage function.
>>A simplification of the code (in object Pascal) can be seen below.
>>procedure TfMain.btnPasteClick(Sender: TObject);
>>     i: integer;
>>     sTmp: WideString;
>>     hBN: HWND;
>>     hBN:= FindWindowA(nil,
>>                       'R Console (64-bit)');
>>     sTmp:= 'sd';
>>     for i:= 1 to Length(sTmp) do begin
>>       PostMessage(hBN,
>>                   WM_CHAR,
>>                   Ord(sTmp[i]),
>>                   0);
>>     end;
>>     PostMessage(hBN,
>>                 WM_KEYDOWN,
>>                 VK_RETURN, 0);
>>This code has always worked fine for all versions of Rgui.exe with the
>>exception of the last one released, ie 4.2.0.
>>We've been trying to get around the problem on the Object Pascal side,
>>but without success so far.
>>Does anyone connected to the compilation of Rqui.exe know what the
>>problem is?
>It could be that the new build enforces Windows security more stringently.  More details are described in the answer to this question:  https://stackoverflow.com/a/40139498/2554330, but at a minimum you should be checking the return value from PostMessage.
>Duncan Murdoch
>>Jose Claudio Faria
>>joseclaudio.faria at gmail.com
>>55(73)3680.5545 - UESC
>>55(73)99966.9100 - VIVO
>>If you have software to deal with statistics, you have arms,
>>if you have good software, you have arms and legs,
>>if you have software like R, you have arms, legs and wings...
>>the height of your flight depends only on you.
>>	[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
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