[Rd] transform help file

Gabor Grothendieck ggrothend|eck @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Mon Mar 14 18:16:59 CET 2022

It seems transform can modify column names and accepts data.frame
arguments such as chek.names= but neither of these is mentioned in the
help file.  For example this is how the ... argument is described.

...: Further arguments of the form ‘tag=value’

The Details section does not provide any information from which one
could deduce this either.

  transform(BOD[1, ], "x y" = 1)
  ##   Time demand x.y
  ## 1    1    8.3   1

  transform(BOD[1, ], "x y" = 1, check.names = FALSE)
  ##   Time demand x y
  ## 1    1    8.3   1

Statistics & Software Consulting
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