[Rd] svd() results should have a class

Robert Harlow rh@r|ow86 @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Fri Jun 24 01:53:39 CEST 2022

Don't have a view on whether it makes sense in base R or not, but WRE
section 7.1 may be helpful to you:

It's not uncommon for packages to want to make base methods generic and the
above link provides advice on how to do so.


On Thu, Jun 23, 2022 at 12:07 PM Lenth, Russell V <russell-lenth using uiowa.edu>

> Dear R-Devel,
> I noticed that if we run base::svd(x), we obtain an object of class
> "list". Shouldn't there be an "svd" class, in case someone (e.g., me) wants
> to write methods for singular value decompositions? Note that other
> matrix-decomposition routines like qr() and eigen() each return objects
> having those names.
> Thanks
> Russ Lenth
> Russell-lenth using uiowa.edu
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