[Rd] Feature Request: Allow Underscore Separated Numbers

Duncan Murdoch murdoch@dunc@n @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Sun Jul 17 00:19:06 CEST 2022

So far I would say we've had some good contributions on this thread. 
Ivan's suggested patches show that the change isn't completely trivial, 
but is doable.

However, we haven't had any input from an R Core member, so I consider 
the proposal to be essentially dead.

If an R Core member decides to resurrect it, here's what I'd suggest is 
still needed:

  - a formal definition of where the separator may occur, and a 
justificaton for that choice, and comparison to other languages.

  - patches to documentation for the changes.  These include the manuals 
and the ?NumericConstants help topic, and probably others.

  - tests to add to "R CMD check" for packages to see if the new syntax 
is being used without specifying that "R >= 4.3.0" is a requirement.

Duncan Murdoch

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