[Rd] Mismatch between the Rconsole file and the RGui Configuration editor

Paulo Barata pb @end|ng |rom |n|o||nk@com@br
Sat Aug 27 22:28:04 CEST 2022

Mr. Murdoch,

Thank you for your reply. Actually, the discrepancy does not bother me, 
the mismatch seems always to be relatively small. I can use R perfectly 
well as it is.

I just felt that I should report this fact.

Best regards,

Paulo Barata


On 27/08/2022 16:35, Duncan Murdoch wrote:
> I would guess what is happening is the following.  R reads your file, 
> and asks the window to resize as you specify.  Then when it is 
> populating the config editor, it measures the size of the window, and 
> computes the equivalent number of rows and columns.  The fact that these 
> numbers don't match suggests that one calculation is for the outer 
> dimensions of the window (the one that resizes it at the start), and the 
> other is for the inner dimensions (not including the frame).
> This is going to cause problems if you repeatedly start R and save the 
> config, because the window will keep getting smaller.  But who does that?
> If the discrepancy really bothers you, then you could try to figure out 
> exactly where it occurs by looking at the source file 
> src/gnuwin32/console.c (or one of the other files in that directory). 
> The source is mirrored on Github at 
> https://github.com/wch/r-source/blob/trunk/src/gnuwin32/console.c .
> Duncan Murdoch
> On 27/08/2022 2:46 p.m., Paulo Barata wrote:
>> To the R developers,
>> In R version 4.2.1 (2022-06-23 ucrt), and also in R version 4.2.1
>> Patched (2022-08-24 r82762 ucrt), something strange is happening with
>> the GUI Preferences x Rconsole file. I open the GUI Preferences (RGui
>> Configuration editor), and I define the number of console rows and
>> columns, the I click Apply and then I Save the Preferences to the
>> Rconsole file (which is in the Documents folders of my Windows 10 Pro)
>> -- I overwrite the existing Rconsole file. Then I close R.
>> When I open R again, there is always a mismatch between the number of
>> console rows and columns correctly recorded in the Rconsole file and the
>> numbers actually shown in the RGui Configuration editor.
>> If this list allows attachments, the attached PNG image shows the
>> mismatch between the Rconsole file and the RGui Configuration editor,
>> just after opening R version 4.2.1 (2022-06-23 ucrt).
>> Windows 10 Pro for Workstations
>> Version 21H2
>> Installed on 23/‎08/‎2022
>> OS build 19044.1889
>> Processor Intel(R) Xeon(R) W-1350 @ 3.30GHz  3.31 GHz
>> Installed RAM 64.0 GB (63.7 GB usable)
>> R version 4.2.1 (2022-06-23 ucrt) -- "Funny-Looking Kid"
>> Copyright (C) 2022 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
>> Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
>>    > Sys.info()
>>              sysname           release           version          
>> nodename
>>            "Windows"          "10 x64"     "build 19044" 
>>              machine             login              user    
>> effective_user
>>             "x86-64"           "XXXXX         "XXXXX"           "XXXXX"
>>    > win.version()
>> [1] "Windows 10 x64 (build 19044)"
>>    > .Platform
>> $OS.type
>> [1] "windows"
>> $file.sep
>> [1] "/"
>> $dynlib.ext
>> [1] ".dll"
>> $GUI
>> [1] "Rgui"
>> $endian
>> [1] "little"
>> $pkgType
>> [1] "win.binary"
>> $path.sep
>> [1] ";"
>> $r_arch
>> [1] "x64"
>> Thank you. Regards,
>> Paulo Barata
>> (Rio de Janeiro - Brazil)
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