[Rd] R Contribution Working Group

Heather Turner ht @end|ng |rom he@therturner@net
Wed Oct 20 17:08:49 CEST 2021

Dear All,

The R Contribution Working Group was set up last year with the purpose of encouraging new contributors to R core, especially from currently under-represented groups. More detail here: https://forwards.github.io/rcontribution/working-group.

The group has been meeting approximately once a month with representatives from R Core, Forwards, R-Ladies, MiR and the general R contributor community (from aspiring to experienced contributors).  We currently alternate between a Americas-friendly time and a Europe/Middle East/Africa-friendly time. Anyone supporting the aims of the group is welcome to attend when they can.

The next meeting will be will be Tuesday, October 26, 2021, 20:00-21:00 UTC.

The agenda is here: https://hackmd.io/GzIGWM4ZTdmM3B3q6C24RA?edit - feel free to add items for us to discuss (time allowing!).

Join Zoom Meeting
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88955759010?pwd=VW9IR2p1eVRicHc5czJSZ1VkUDB6QT09 (ID: 88955759010, passcode: KOI9wWzh).

Best wishes,


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