[Rd] Feature request: Change default library path on Windows

Steve Haroz @teve@h@roz @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Sun Jul 25 15:54:04 CEST 2021

> Shouldn't it be in one of the AppData directories?

I asked that same question on twitter. Here was a response
* But it's not for files that should be user-accessible, like a
library (cf. Zotero has preferences in AppData , but library files in
* So, for example, in R's case it could make sense for the core
packages to be installed in %APPDATA%/R/R-4.1.0/library" rather than
"C:/Program Files/R/R-4.1.0/library" (either is fairly common), but
user packages should be somewhere more accessible.

Here is a quote from
"App data is mutable data that is created and managed by a specific
app. It includes runtime state, app settings, user preferences,
reference content (such as the dictionary definitions in a dictionary
app), and other settings"
I don't think libraries fall into the categories of state or settings.

-Steve Haroz

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