[Rd] meaning of browser(skipCalls=) [and multiple mouse buttons]
Frederick Eaton
|reder|k @end|ng |rom o|b@net
Wed Dec 8 09:24:47 CET 2021
Dear R Core Team,
I'm attaching a proposed patch to hopefully address my confusions regarding the documentation of browser(). I'm not sure if all the material I added is correct, but I made experiments to confirm that the behavior is at least roughly as described.
patch ./src/library/base/man/browser.Rd < browser.patch
Also, here is a patch to support multiple mouse buttons in getGraphicsEvent(). This must be edited before it can be applied, I decided to keep the old code in an 'if(0)' to help make it clearer that my code is essentially doing the same thing.
wget -O - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/navarum/tweaks/master/r/patches/0001-Add-support-for-multiple-mouse-buttons.patch | patch -p1
It would be useful to have support in R for more than three mouse buttons because this enables the use of the mouse wheel (buttons 4 and 5), which can provide a more convenient interface when adjusting numbers and graphics and so on. I also have shift+wheel bound to buttons 6 and 7 via xbindkeys and xte, which I use for horizontal scrolling, via a trick from the web somewhere:
$ cat .xbindkeysrc.scm | grep xte
(xbindkey '(shift "b:4") "xte 'mouseclick 6'")
(xbindkey '(shift "b:5") "xte 'mouseclick 7'")
I hope that these contributions can be found acceptable.
Thank you in advance,
On Mon, Nov 22, 2021 at 09:13:58AM -0800, Frederick Eaton wrote:
>Dear R Devel,
>I have been advised to use "options(error=recover)" to enable
>debugging on errors. But sometimes it would seem more convenient to
>override "stopifnot", for example:
> stopifnot = function(b) { if(!b) { browser(skipCalls=1); } }
>However, this doesn't do what I expected. On looking closer I find
>that the "skipCalls" argument seems to be ignored except when printing
>the "Called from: " message; it does not affect the evaluation context
>or the output of 'where':
> > var=2; f=function(){var=1; browser(skipCalls=0)}; f()
> Called from: f()
> Browse[1]> var
> [1] 1
> Browse[1]> where
> where 1: f()
> Browse[1]> Q
> > var=2; f=function(){var=1; browser(skipCalls=1)}; f()
> Called from: top level Browse[1]> var
> [1] 1
> Browse[1]> where
> where 1: f()
> Browse[1]> Q
> > var=2; f=function(){var=1; browser(skipCalls=2)}; f()
> Called from: top level Browse[1]> var
> [1] 1
> Browse[1]> where
> where 1: f()
> Browse[1]> Q
>So it appears that the "browser()" API does not actually make it
>possible to call this built-in function from within another R function
>and thereby emulate the same behavior as calling browser() directly.
>If this is the case, it might be good to have it fixed or documented.
>I am aware of "browser(expr=)", but this requires editing the
>particular call that failed. The documentation for "browser()" led me
>to hope that my use case would be supported, if only because it admits
>that users might want to build other debugging functions with
>browser(): "The 'skipCalls' argument should be used when the
>'browser()' call is nested within another debugging function". An
>example where this 'skipCalls' parameter is used to build a useful
>debugging function would help to clarify its English description in
>the manual.
>Also, from the browser() command line I could not find a way to step
>*out* of the current function. This would have been a way to recover
>from skipCalls not working as expected. Am I missing something? For
>example is there some command other than "n", where the below
>interaction could pause before "hi" and "bye"?
> > f=function(){browser(); message("in f"); message("out f")}; f(); message("hi"); message("bye")
> Called from: f()
> Browse[1]> n
> debug at #1: message("in f")
> Browse[2]> n
> in f
> debug at #1: message("out f")
> Browse[2]> n
> out f
> hi
> bye
>If it is not possible for the R debugger to step out of a function, it
>would be good to document that too, maybe after the list of browser
>prompt commands in "?browser". Being confined within a single function
>is not an obvious disability for a debugger to have.
>I feel that R is an excellent tool, but sometimes I think that if the
>shortcomings of the system were better documented, then this would
>save users a lot of time in certain cases.
>Thank you,
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