[Rd] R 4.0.1-4.0.5 built with Intel Composer 19.0-19.1.1, error in "make check" on CentOS 7.7-7.9

Ryan Novosielski novo@|rj @end|ng |rom rutger@@edu
Fri Apr 16 00:46:56 CEST 2021

> On Apr 15, 2021, at 10:35 AM, Ivan Krylov <krylov.r00t using gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello Ryan,
> Sorry for not responding right away -- it took me a while to remember
> what I meant back then :)

There was a long pause there, as I didn’t get to try out those debugging instructions from Frederik right away. They worked great Happy for any assistance whenever I can get it! Thanks!

Was able to get all of that output, though I wish I had a clue what any of it meant. Let me know if there’s other stuff that would be helpful.

I should probably note that I’m running this as: ./R -d gdb-ia from within $BUILDIR/bin. gdb-ia appears to be the Intel copy of gdb (they had their own debugger but eliminated it sometime back).

> So far I can only say that you get the same ulimit -s of 8192 and
> R_CStackLimit of 8192 * 1024 * .95 that I get on my current machine
> (and now it's the stack size limit that's reached first, not expression
> depth limit). Let's try to get more information.
> When you get the SIGSEGV,
> 1) What does print $_siginfo._sifields._sigfault show? Try printing at
> least $_siginfo if the first command gives you an error.

(gdb) print $_siginfo._sifields._sigfault
$1 = {si_addr = 0x7fffff7fecf8, _addr_lsb = 0, _addr_bnd = {_lower = 0xffff9215f829ff58, _upper = 0x7fffff7fecf8}}

> 2) When you get the crash, is the body argument accessible? What does
> print *body show?

(gdb) print *body
$2 = {sxpinfo = {type = 21, scalar = 0, obj = 0, alt = 0, gp = 0, mark = 0, debug = 0, trace = 0, spare = 0, gcgen = 0, gccls = 0, 
    named = 4, extra = 0}, attrib = 0x16fa4f0, gengc_next_node = 0x3eb7710, gengc_prev_node = 0x3eb7780, u = {primsxp = {offset = 44368248}, 
    symsxp = {pname = 0x2a50178, value = 0x1b66098, internal = 0x16fa4f0}, listsxp = {carval = 0x2a50178, cdrval = 0x1b66098, 
      tagval = 0x16fa4f0}, envsxp = {frame = 0x2a50178, enclos = 0x1b66098, hashtab = 0x16fa4f0}, closxp = {formals = 0x2a50178, 
      body = 0x1b66098, env = 0x16fa4f0}, promsxp = {value = 0x2a50178, expr = 0x1b66098, env = 0x16fa4f0}}}

> 3) What are the addresses of the local variables when the crash
> happens? Specifically, what do the following commands show:
> print &codebase
> print &pc
> print R_CStackDir * (R_CStackStart - (uintptr_t)&codebase)
> print R_CStackDir * (R_CStackStart - (uintptr_t)&pc)

(gdb) print &codebase
$3 = (BCODE **) 0x7fffff7ff360
(gdb) print &pc
$4 = (BCODE **) 0x7fffff7ff358
(gdb) print R_CStackDir * (R_CStackStart - (uintptr_t)&codebase)
$5 = 18446744073701307232
(gdb) print R_CStackDir * (R_CStackStart - (uintptr_t)&pc)
$6 = 18446744073701307224

|| \\UTGERS,  	 |---------------------------*O*---------------------------
||_// the State	 |         Ryan Novosielski - novosirj using rutgers.edu
|| \\ University | Sr. Technologist - 973/972.0922 (2x0922) ~*~ RBHS Campus
||  \\    of NJ	 | Office of Advanced Research Computing - MSB C630, Newark

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