[Rd] Rgui never processes ~/.Renviron

Henrik Bengtsson henr|k@bengt@@on @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Thu Sep 3 08:38:07 CEST 2020

It looks like Rgui.exe never processes ~/.Renviron - only ./.Renviron.

On Windows, create the following ~/.Renviron and ~/.Rprofile files:

C:\Users\alice> Rscript -e "cat('FOO=123\n', file='~/.Renviron')"
C:\Users\alice> Rscript -e "cat('print(Sys.getenv(\'FOO\'))',

and launch Rgui (from a folder other that ~):
C:\Users\alice> Rgui

and you'll see that FOO is reported as "" (empty), whereas with R or
Rscript, it is reported as "123".

>From code inspection

#ifdef Win32
    char buf[1024]; /* MAX_PATH is less than this */
    /* R_USER is not necessarily set yet, so we have to work harder */
    s = getenv("R_USER");
    if(!s) s = getenv("HOME");
    if(!s) return;
    snprintf(buf, 1024, "%s/.Renviron", s);
    s = buf;

I think it happens because neither R_USER nor HOME is set when the
Rgui startup process calls process_user_Renviron().

Setting R_USER or HOME prior to calling Rgui will cause Rgui to
process ~/.Renviron, e.g.

C:\User\alice> set R_USER=%UserProfile%\Documents
C:\User\alice> Rgui

The background for finding this is R-help thread '[R] tempdir() does
not respect TMPDIR' on 2020-08-29


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