[Rd] [External] Something is wrong with the unserialize function
Martin Morgan
mtmorg@n@b|oc @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Thu Oct 29 18:10:29 CET 2020
Index: src/main/altrep.c
--- src/main/altrep.c (revision 79385)
+++ src/main/altrep.c (working copy)
@@ -275,10 +275,11 @@
SEXP class = LookupClass(csym, psym);
if (class == NULL) {
- SEXP pname = ScalarString(PRINTNAME(psym));
+ SEXP pname = PROTECT(ScalarString(PRINTNAME(psym)));
R_tryCatchError(find_namespace, pname,
handle_namespace_error, NULL);
class = LookupClass(csym, psym);
return class;
seems to remove the warning; I'm guessing that the other SEXP already exist so don't need protecting?
Martin Morgan
On 10/29/20, 12:47 PM, "R-devel on behalf of luke-tierney using uiowa.edu" <r-devel-bounces using r-project.org on behalf of luke-tierney using uiowa.edu> wrote:
Thanks for the report. Will look into it when I get a chance unless
someone else gets there first.
A simpler reprex:
## create and serialize a memmory-mapped file object
filePath <- "x.dat"
con <- file(filePath, "wrb")
x <- mmap(filePath, "double")
saveRDS(x, file = "x.Rds")
## in a separate R process:
Looks like a missing PROTECT somewhere.
On Thu, 29 Oct 2020, Jiefei Wang wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am not able to export an ALTREP object when `gctorture` is on in the
> worker. The package simplemmap can be used to reproduce the problem. See
> the example below
> ```
> ## Create a temporary file
> filePath <- tempfile()
> con <- file(filePath, "wrb")
> writeBin(rep(0.0,10),con)
> close(con)
> library(simplemmap)
> library(parallel)
> cl <- makeCluster(1)
> x <- mmap(filePath, "double")
> ## Turn gctorture on
> clusterEvalQ(cl, gctorture())
> clusterExport(cl, "x")
> ## x is an 0-length vector on the worker
> clusterEvalQ(cl, x)
> stopCluster(cl)
> ```
> you can find more info on the problem if you manually build a connection
> between two R processes and export the ALTREP object. See output below
> ```
>> con <- socketConnection(port = 1234,server = FALSE)
>> gctorture()
>> x <- unserialize(con)
> Warning message:
> In unserialize(con) :
> cannot unserialize ALTVEC object of class 'mmap_real' from package
> 'simplemmap'; returning length zero vector
> ```
> It seems like simplemmap did not get loaded correctly on the worker. If
> you run `library( simplemmap)` before unserializing the ALTREP, there will
> be no problem. But I suppose we should be able to unserialize objects
> without preloading the library?
> This issue can be reproduced on Ubuntu with R version 4.0.2 (2020-06-22)
> and Windows with R Under development (unstable) (2020-09-03 r79126).
> Here is the link to simplemmap:
> https://github.com/ALTREP-examples/Rpkg-simplemmap
> Best,
> Jiefei
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Luke Tierney
Ralph E. Wareham Professor of Mathematical Sciences
University of Iowa Phone: 319-335-3386
Department of Statistics and Fax: 319-335-3017
Actuarial Science
241 Schaeffer Hall email: luke-tierney using uiowa.edu
Iowa City, IA 52242 WWW: http://www.stat.uiowa.edu
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