[Rd] vignettes present in 2 folders or won't work

Duncan Murdoch murdoch@dunc@n @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Sun Nov 1 20:29:50 CET 2020

On 01/11/2020 1:02 p.m., Alexandre Courtiol wrote:
> Noted Duncan and TRUE...
> I cannot do more immediately unfortunately, that is always the issue of 
> asking a last minute panic attack question before teaching a course 
> involving the package...
> I do have /doc in my .Rbuildignore for reasons I can no longer 
> remember... I will dig and create a MRE/reprex.
> The students will download heavy packages, but they probably won't notice.
> *Apologies*
> In the meantime, perhaps my question was clear enough to get clarity on:
> 1) whether having vignettes twice in foders inst/doc and vignettes is 
> normal or not when vignettes are static.
> 2) where could anyone find a complete documentation on R vignettes since 
> it is a recurring issue in this list and elsewhere.

The Writing R Extensions manual describes vignette support in R, but R 
allows contributed packages (like knitr, rmarkdown, R.rsp) to handle 
vignettes.  WRE explains enough to write such a package, but it's up to 
their authors to document how to use them, so "complete documentation" 
is spread out all over the place.  As with any documentation, there are 
probably errors and omissions.

Duncan Murdoch

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