[Rd] [External] Re: R 4.0.0 build error with sysdata.rda on ppc64el architecture

Kirill Maslinsky k|r||| @end|ng |rom @|t||nux@org
Tue May 5 09:54:22 CEST 2020

Dirk Eddelbuettel writes:

> We know by now (thanks to Bryan and Tomas) that src/main/machar.c is the real
> culprit due to the long double behaviour on ppc64el.  I presume 'compiler'
> calls into platform.c and hence machar.c for calibration or setup.
> On the Debian side, I just shipped an updated source package which will skip
> long double support on this platform.  That should allow builds to complete,
> hopefully, so that we can look into get the build from 'experimental' into
> 'unstable' and the distro proper.

I had the similar issue on ppc64le when trying to package R 4.0.0 for ALT
Linux Sisyphus. Disabling long double support indeed fixes the build of
the binaries, but then the build fails in the tests section (make check)
with violated assertions in some basic tests results.

Do you also have this problem, and is there a better solution to this
issue on ppc64le yet?


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