[Rd] [External] Re: new bquote feature splice does not address a common LISP @ use case?

iuke-tier@ey m@iii@g oii uiow@@edu iuke-tier@ey m@iii@g oii uiow@@edu
Fri Mar 20 23:25:13 CET 2020

The intent is that ..() only be used with vectors but this isn't
enforced at present. I'll think about signaling an error if
is.vector(mexp) is not true.



On Tue, 17 Mar 2020, Lionel Henry wrote:

> Hi Jan,
> In the lisp code you provide the operators are parsed as simple
> symbols in a pairlist. In the R snippet, they are parsed as
> left-associative binary operators of equal precedence. If you unquote
> a call in the right-hand side, you're artificially bypassing the
> left-associativity of these operators.
> To achieve what you're looking for in a general way, you'll need a
> more precise definition of the problem, and a solution that probably
> involves rotating the AST accordingly (see
> https://github.com/r-lib/rlang/blob/master/src/internal/expr-interp-rotate.c).
> Maybe it could be possible to formulate a definition where splicing in
> special calls like binary operators produces the same AST as the user
> would type by hand. It seems this would make splicing easier to use
> for end users, but make the metaprogramming model more complex for
> experts. This is an interesting perspective though. It also seems
> vaguely connected to the problem of splicing within model formulas.
> I see in your example that the new ..() operator in `bquote()` allows
> splicing calls, and seems to unquote them instead of splicing. In the
> first versions of rlang, splicing with !!! behaved just like this. We
> changed this behaviour last year and I would like to share the
> motivations behind this decision, as it might be helpful to inform the
> semantics of ..() in bquote() in R 4.0.
> The bottom line is that calls are now treated like scalars. This is a
> slight contortion of the syntax because calls are "language lists",
> and so they could be conceived as collections rather than scalars.
> However, R is vector-oriented rather than pairlist-oriented, and
> treating calls as scalars makes the metaprogramming model simpler.
> This is also how `bquote(splice = TRUE)` works. However `bquote()`
> and rlang do not treat scalars in the same way. In rlang scalars
> cannot be spliced, they must be unquoted.
> ```
> bquote(foo(..(function() NULL)), splice = TRUE)
> #> foo(function() NULL)
> bquote(foo(..(quote(bar))), splice = TRUE)
> #> foo(bar)
> expr(foo(!!!function() NULL))
> #> Error: Can't splice an object of type `closure` because it is not a vector.
> expr(foo(!!!quote(bar)))
> #> foo(bar)
> #> Warning message:
> #> Unquoting language objects with `!!!` is deprecated as of rlang 0.4.0.
> #> Please use `!!` instead.
> ```
> We decided to disallow splicing scalars (and thus calls) in rlang even
> though this is a legal operation in many lisps. In lisps, the splicing
> operation stands for unquoting in the CDR of a pairlist. By contrast
> the unquote operation unquotes in the CAR. For example `(1 , using 3) is
> legal in Common Lisp and stands for the cons cell (1 . 3). I think
> such semantics are not appealing in a language like R because it is
> vector-oriented rather than pairlist oriented. Pairlists are mostly an
> implicit data structure that users are not familiar with, and they are
> not even fully supported in all implementations of R (for instance
> TERR and Renjin do not allow non-NULL terminated pairlists, and while
> GNU R has vestigial print() support for these, they cause str() to crash).
> In general, it is much more useful to define a splice operation that
> also works for vectors:
> ```
> rlang::list2(1, !!!10:11, 3)
> #> [[1]]
> #> [1] 1
> #>
> #> [[2]]
> #> [1] 10
> #>
> #> [[3]]
> #> [1] 11
> #>
> #> [[4]]
> #> [1] 3
> ```
> Because vectors do not have any notion of CDR, the usual lisp
> interpretation of splicing scalars does not apply.
> One alternative to make it work is to devolve the splicing operation
> into a simple unquote operation, when supplied a scalar. This is how
> `bquote(splice = TRUE)` works. However I think this kind of
> overloading is more confusing in the long run, and makes it harder for
> users to form a correct mental model for programming with these
> operations. For this reason it seems preferable to force users to be
> explicit about the desired semantics with scalars and calls. In rlang
> they must either unquote the call, or explicitly transform it to a
> list prior to splicing:
> ```
> x <- quote(bar + baz)
> # Unquote instead of splicing
> expr(foo(!!x))
> #> foo(bar + baz)
> # Convert to list and then splice
> expr(add(!!!as.list(x[-1])))
> #> add(bar, baz)
> ```
> Unquoting could be consistent if all objects were truly vectors in R,
> i.e. if they were implicitly wrapped in a list. Then ..(quote(foo))
> would be very similar to ..(1). In the former case a list of size 1
> would be spliced, in the latter case a vector of size 1 is
> spliced. This would explain why .() and ..() have the same behaviour
> with scalars. While an interesting thought experiment, this is not
> how scalars work in R.
> It seems relevant that Clojure is a lisp that does not allow splicing
> scalars. Like rlang, Clojure defines the splicing operation in other
> contexts than pairlists, such as vectors. I suspect the rationale of
> making scalar-splicing an error in Clojure, even in pairlist context,
> is to avoid overloading the semantics of this fundamental operation.
> Best,
> Lionel
> On 3/17/20, Jan Gorecki <j.gorecki using wit.edu.pl> wrote:
>> Dear R-devel,
>> There is a new feature in R-devel, which explicitly refers to LISP @
>> operator for splicing.
>>> The backquote function bquote() has a new argument splice to enable
>>> splicing a computed list of values into an expression, like ,@ in LISP's
>>> backquote.
>> Although the most upvoted SO question asking for exactly LISP's @
>> functionality in R doesn't seems to be addressed by this new feature.
>> Is it possible to use new splice feature to create `6 - 5 + 4`
>> expression rather than `6 - (5 + 4)`?
>> b = quote(5+4)
>> b
>> #5 + 4
>> c = bquote(6-.(b))
>> c
>> #6 - (5 + 4)
>> d = bquote(6-..(b), splice=TRUE)
>> d
>> #6 - (5 + 4)
>> There is corresponding LISP code provided
>> (setf b `(5 + 4))
>> (5 + 4)
>> (setf c `(6 - , using b))
>> (6 - 5 + 4)
>> (setf c-non-spliced `(6 - ,b))
>> (6 - (5 + 4))
>> Thanks,
>> Jan Gorecki
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Luke Tierney
Ralph E. Wareham Professor of Mathematical Sciences
University of Iowa                  Phone:             319-335-3386
Department of Statistics and        Fax:               319-335-3017
    Actuarial Science
241 Schaeffer Hall                  email:   luke-tierney using uiowa.edu
Iowa City, IA 52242                 WWW:  http://www.stat.uiowa.edu

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