[Rd] trivial typo in ?Matrix::sparse.model.matrix.Rd

Spencer Graves @pencer@gr@ve@ @end|ng |rom prod@y@e@com
Tue Jul 21 13:29:20 CEST 2020

Hi, Martin, Ben, et al.:

On 2020-07-21 04:33, Martin Maechler wrote:
>>>>>> Ben Bolker
>>>>>>      on Mon, 20 Jul 2020 20:11:04 -0400 writes:
>>    "form" -> "from". Diff against latest SVN:
>> Index: sparse.model.matrix.Rd
>> ===================================================================
>> --- sparse.model.matrix.Rd    (revision 3336)
>> +++ sparse.model.matrix.Rd    (working copy)
>> @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
>>   \alias{fac2sparse}
>>   \alias{fac2Sparse}
>>   \description{Construct a sparse model or \dQuote{design} matrix,
>> -  form a formula and data frame (\code{sparse.model.matrix}) or a single
>> +  from a formula and data frame (\code{sparse.model.matrix}) or a single
>>     factor (\code{fac2sparse}).
>>     The \code{fac2[Ss]parse()} functions are utilities, also used
> Thank you, Ben; corrected in my (not yet committed) development
> version.
> BTW, there will be another improvement there,
>   deprecating  'giveCsparse = TRUE'
>   and replacing it by 'repr = "C"'
> the latter allowing all three kind of sparseMatrix formats
> ("C", "R", "T")  instead of just Csparse* and Tsparse*.

       How I can learn more about this, including (a) 'repr = ("C", "R", 
"T")', (b) how it creeps into my code, and (c) when I can expect to see it?

       I'm running R 4.0.2, and "?sparse.model.matrix" on a fresh 
session generates "No documentation for ‘sparse.model.matrix’ in 
specified packages and libraries", but it's there after 
"library(Ecfun)".  I find that interesting, because "Matrix" does not 
appear in the Ecfun DESCRIPTION file.  AND I don't see 'repr = ("C", 
"R", "T")' in the "sparse.model.matrix" help file I do see.

       Spencer Graves
> Best regards,
> Martin
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