[Rd] Speed-up/Cache loadNamespace()
Abby Spurdle
@purd|e@@ @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Mon Jul 20 23:58:27 CEST 2020
Thank you Serguei and Gabor.
Great suggestions.
> If your R scripts contain "stop()" or "q('yes')" or any other error, it
> will end the Rscript process. Kind of watch-dog can be set for automatic
> relaunching if needed.
It should be possible to change the error handling behavior.
>From within R:
options (error = function () NULL)
Or something better...
Also, it may be desirable to wipe the global environment (or parts of
it), after each script:
remove (list = ls (envir=.GlobalEnv, all.names=TRUE) )
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