[Rd] Speed-up/Cache loadNamespace()

Mario Annau m@r|o@@nn@u @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Sun Jul 19 20:47:09 CEST 2020

Thanks for the quick responses. As you both suggested storing the packages
to local drive is feasible but comes with a size restriction I wanted to
avoid. I'll keep this in mind as plan B.
@Hugh: 2. would impose even greater slowdowns and 4. is just not feasible.
However, 3. sounds interesting - how would this work in a Linux environment?

Thank you,

Am So., 19. Juli 2020 um 20:11 Uhr schrieb Hugh Parsonage <
hugh.parsonage using gmail.com>:

> My advice would be to avoid the network in one of the following ways
> 1. Store installed packages on your local drive
> 2. Copy the installed packages to a tempdir on your local drive each time
> the script is executed
> 3. Keep an R session running in perpetuity and source the scripts within
> that everlasting session
> 4. Rewrite your scripts to use base R only.
> I suspect this solution list is exhaustive.
> On Mon, 20 Jul 2020 at 1:50 am, Mario Annau <mario.annau using gmail.com> wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> in our current setting we have our packages stored on a (rather slow)
>> network drive and need to invoke short R scripts (using RScript) in a
>> timely manner. Most of the script's runtime is spent with package loading
>> using library() (or loadNamespace to be precise).
>> Is there a way to cache the package namespaces as listed in
>> loadedNamespaces() and load them into memory before the script is
>> executed?
>> My first simplistic attempt was to serialize the environment output
>> from loadNamespace() to a file and load it before the script is started.
>> However, loading the object automatically also loads all the referenced
>> namespaces (from the slow network share) which is undesirable for this use
>> case.
>> Cheers,
>> Mario
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