[Rd] Compilation error for R 4.0.2
Wim R. Cardoen
wc@rdoen @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Fri Jul 10 20:59:37 CEST 2020
I experienced a compiler error when I tried to compile the latest version
of R i.e. R4.0.2
making iosupport.d from iosupport.c
making lapack.d from lapack.c
making list.d from list.c
making localecharset.d from localecharset.c
grep.c(74): catastrophic error: cannot open source file "pcre2.h"
# include<pcre2.h>
(The pcre2.h header file is actually present!)
I used the following compiler flags:
# PCRE2:
# -----
setenv CC gcc
setenv CFLAGS " -O2 -fPIC "
./configure --prefix=/uufs/chpc.utah.edu/sys/installdir/pcre2/10.35 \
--enable-pcre2-16 --enable-pcre2-32 --with-pic
module purge
module load intel/2019.5.281
# USe a modern version of curl & pcre2 (The current one on Centos 7 is TOO
setenv CURLDIR "/uufs/chpc.utah.edu/sys/installdir/curl/7.65.3"
setenv PCRE2DIR "/uufs/chpc.utah.edu/sys/installdir/pcre2/10.35"
setenv PATH ${PCRE2DIR}/bin:$PATH
Setting Compiler & linker flags:
setenv CC icc
setenv CXX icpc
setenv F77 ifort
setenv FC ifort
setenv CFLAGS " -axCORE-AVX512,CORE-AVX2,AVX,SSE4.2 -O3 -qopenmp
-fp-model precise -fPIC -I${MKLROOT}/include -I${CURLDIR}/include
-I${PCRE2DIR}/include "
setenv CXXFLAGS " ${CFLAGS} "
setenv FFLAGS " ${CFLAGS} "
setenv FCFLAGS " ${CFLAGS} "
setenv LDFLAGS " -Wl,-rpath=${MKLROOT}/lib/intel64_lin
-L${MKLROOT}/lib/intel64_lin -lmkl_intel_lp64 -lmkl_intel_thread -lmkl_core
-liomp5 -lpthread -ldl -Wl,-rpath=${CURLDIR}/lib
-L${CURLDIR}/lib -lcurl
-Wl,-rpath=${PCRE2DIR}/lib -L${PCRE2DIR}/lib
-lpcre2-8 -lpcre2-posix "
./configure --prefix=/uufs/chpc.utah.edu/sys/installdir/R/4.0.2i
--enable-R-profiling --enable-R-shlib --enable-memory-profiling
--enable-java --enable-shared=yes --with-blas="$LDFLAGS" --with-readline
--with-cairo --with-tcltk --with-libpng --with-jpeglib --with-libtiff
--with-ICU --with-pic --with-x --with-lapack --with-pcre2
I also appended the corresponding config.log:
Thank you,
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