[Rd] as-cran issue ==> set _R_CHECK_LENGTH_1_* settings!

Abby Spurdle @purd|e@@ @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Tue Jan 14 21:29:14 CET 2020

> I do want to entice people to have a long look beyond closed
> source OS into the world of Free Software where not only R is
> FOSS (Free and Open Source Software) but (all / almost) all the
> tools you use are of that same spirit.

And while everyone is talking about operating systems...

Recently, I tried to install R on Fedora.
However, it only gave me the option of downloading and installing R
3.6.1, when the current release is/was R 3.6.2.
I decided to wait, and may try again later, over the next week.

Is it possible for things to be free *and* simple?

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