[Rd] possible bug in win R-devel in check/test environment
Serguei Sokol
@oko| @end|ng |rom |n@@-tou|ou@e@|r
Tue Jan 14 11:00:46 CET 2020
During my recent r2sundials development, I've came across a strange test
failing during 'R CMD check' exclusively on win R-devel which I could
reproduce with a minimal example that I present here.
The toy packages testarma1 [1] and testarma2 [2] are minimal
modifications of a skeleton package produced by
They are almost identical. The first one fails to passe its tests on win
R-devel [3] while the second one is OK [4]. The reason of test failing
in testarma1 boils down to not finding a package during tests (here
RcppArmadillo) although it is well present in LinkingTo field of the
DESCRIPTION file (the mechanism of the error is detailed in [5]). To
make the tests pass, I had to add RcppArmadillo and r2sundials to
'Suggests:' field too (as can be seen in testarma2)
In my understanding, the presence of a package name in the LinkingTo
field should be sufficient for finding it during the test phase.
Instead, one have to add it to 'Suggests:' field too.
Am I wrong or this behavior is unexpected?
[1] https://github.com/sgsokol/testarma1
[2] https://github.com/sgsokol/testarma2
[3] https://win-builder.r-project.org/v0nBoFleT48y/00check.log
[4] https://win-builder.r-project.org/TMKbnEBncFNc/00check.log
[5] https://github.com/RcppCore/Rcpp/issues/1026
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