[Rd] R 4.0.2 64-bit Windows hangs
Jeroen Ooms
jeroen @end|ng |rom berke|ey@edu
Sat Aug 22 19:58:03 CEST 2020
On Sat, Aug 22, 2020 at 8:39 AM Tomas Kalibera <tomas.kalibera using gmail.com> wrote:
> On 8/21/20 11:45 PM, m19tdn+9alxwj7d2bmk--- via R-devel wrote:
> > Ah yes, this is related. I reported v2010 below, but it looks like I was updated to this Insider Build overnight without my knowledge, and conflated it with the new installation R v4 this morning.
> >
> > I will continue to look into the issue with the methods Tomas mentioned.
> It is interesting that a rare 5 years old problem would re-appear on
> current Insider builds. Which build of Windows are you running exactly?
> I've seen another report about a crash on 20190.1000. It'd be nice to
> know if it is present also in newer builds, i.e. in 20197.
I installed the latest 20197 build in a vm, and I can indeed reproduce
this problem.
What seems to be happening is that R triggers an infinite recursion in
Windows unwinding mechanism, and eventually dies with a stack
overflow. Attached a backtrace of the initial 100 frames of the main
thread (the pattern in the top ~30 frames continues forever).
The microsoft blog doesn't mention anything related to exception
handling has changed in recent versions:
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